Last night, Pierre had temperature : 38.5 ° (about 103°F) and this morning, he had 40° ( 104°) so I took another appointment to the doctor. Well, he has a strep throat ( you should see the size of his tonsils ... ) and the doctor think that yesterday it was some ganglions that made him have so much pain in his stomach. So now, he has some antibiotics and we hope he's going to be fine for our Disneyland's trip !!!
So this is where we are going to be tomorrow:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disneyland Paris !!!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Esteban is very happy to go to meet Mickey (until he meets him in real ) We are supposed to meet at Chuy's company at 5.30 am
The buses leave at 6 am. We'll come back at midnight ...
I only do that for the kids and because it was a very cheap deal hard to pass !!! I forgot to mention that the weather should be great tomorrow
All I want it's to have a relaxing day (probably exhausting ) but a happy day !!!
I made some progress in my stitching but I'll show you on sunday .

I hope Pierre is feeling better for your trip to Disneyland. Have a wonderful time:)
ooooo exciting!! Hope you have a wonderful day and Pierre is all better for it!
Oh, my! Kids do keep life interesting, don't they? ;)
Take care! I'm thinking lots of good, positive thoughts for you!
I once took 40 students (age 13) across country to Washington, DC. One parent dropped her little darling off at LAX (LA airport) with a 103 temperature and loaded with antibiotics. By golly, they had paid a lot for this trip and she wasn't going to miss it. I wasn't happy at the time but darned if that girl wasn't fit to trek the next day!
Have a great time! Hug Mickey for me (how do you say "hug" in French?) and tell him I'll see him next Sunday in California!
I hope Pierre is feeling better for Disneyland! Poor little guy. Strep throat looks crazy painful. I've never suffered it thankfully, but my daughter has and it was terrible for her.
Awww, poor Pierre, I hope he's feeling better...and {{hugs}} for you too.
I hope you all have a good time at Disneyland!
Crossing fingers he is well enough for you to all enjoy your day out. I look forward to reading about it afterwards.
i hope Pierre feel better...and good trip tp disney
Hope Pierre is feeling much better and that you had a great trip to Disney! :)
Have a wonderful trip to Disneyland. I hope Pierre is well enough for the day.
Have fun.
hope all is well!
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