Today, I don't have one but three sick kids ...
(Actually , I don't even remeber having two sick at the same time ...) It all started at 4 am
when Emma's stomach bug decided to make its grand appearance
... I just didn't know that Chuy had waken up at 2 am because Pierre had a migraine (and maybe threw up : we don't have proof: maybe he said that to not go to school ...
always possible with him ) So no school today and a weird monday at home with three kids who did pretty well all day long: and back to school tomorrow
Steb is going to stay with me because he threww up this afternoon. Poor kids who are on a rice diet ...
(Pierre complains but has to eat it )

The snow didn't stay and I didn't even have time to snap a picture.

Here my great progress :
I am very very happy with the result. So do you like it too?
sorry to hear about the kids hope they all get better soon
well done on the stitching its looking great :)
les petits vont mieux alors ?? je suis sûre que si tu les avais envoyés à l'école ils auraient vomi !! mais à la maison ??? non non, tout va bien (sauf steb..).
dis donc, tu as drôlement avancé ton ouvrage !!! super !!
je ne veux pas remuer le couteau dans la plaie.. mais ton christmas tree ?? il sera fini pour ce prochain Noël ??
bonne nuit...
wow! se ve fantastico...lo estas bordando muy rapido!!!
espero que los peques se esten sintiendo mejor....besos!
I wish your kids get better soon. I have also 2 with a stomach bug and waiting the rest to get it. Your stitching looks marvellous.
Your wip is looking fabulous.
Get well soon to your kids.
The WIP is looking really great, lovely soft colours. I hope your kids get well soon! I had a laugh about the no proof vomitting. had that expierience too LOL
What pretty stitching piece! I'm sorry all 3 kids were sick. But glad they are doing better.
I hope all your children are much better now.
Your WIP is very pretty.
Awww, sorry to hear your children are not well. Take good care of them, and ask them not to share their 'bug' with you!!
Beautiful stitching! I like it a lot : )
I hope by the time you read this comment that all three of your darlings are healthy again!
The bird house looks fantastic.
Sorry your children are sick. Hope they are all better now.
The bird house is looking good and I love your Snow Family finish! Sorry that everyone is feeling poorly. That's no fun! Hey, since everyone is ill, time to stitch some more *green*, right?? :)
so sorry for the kids,i hope they are all well soon
the lanarte look very very pretty
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