Have you seen my ticker? No, not the christmas one (see how you are all focused and obsessed with christmas ?
), the vacation ticker !!! We are leaving in 10 days
I can't believe it! It doesn't feel like it is going be soooooo soon !!! And nothing is ready ... not even my list (what to bring, what to buy once there ... ) We are famous (in our own crowd
) for doing everything at the last minutes but this HAS to be planned ... right?

We are going to take the train from Caen (where we live - by the way: when you see Caen in my traffic feed on the right: it's MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !

I still can't believe we are almost on vacations !!! 14 years without vacations ... This is going to be our first vacations as a family !!! Waow! still hard to believe ...

I'm getting really excited for you. A vacation at Christmas time is pretty special and your first family vacation in 14 years is even more special.
A taxi or subway?, I do not know, I have spent only once a Paris road to Bielfeld (germany) and by car, near the 12 starting from Tours to 10 o'clock in the morning or so. And roads surrounding Paris, were jammed, but it is good to see that I reached the eiffel tower, so far, far away, but at least I saw it.
I regret not being able to help in eso.no know what is best if taxi or subway.
That emotion holidays! Everything out very well and have wonderful moments
14 años sin ir de vacaiones!!! no no no, no es posible! seguro la pasaran fantastico!!!
Oh wow a seasonal holiday,Lucky you!!! A trip on the subway would be more exciting!!
tu n'as jamais pris le métro ?? cela n'est pas compliqué et c'est bien indiqué, et il y a toujours quelqu'un avant d'entrer dans le métro qui peut vous expliquer (là où on prend les tickets).. c'est une expérience... et surtout, moins cher que le taxi..
tu pars dans 9 jours.. pff, je vais m'ennuyer sans ton blog, sans tes nouvelles.... bon, je pars dans 11 jours moi... et tu reviens quand au fait ???
14 years without a vacation!?! Wow... - by this time you REALLY need it! :D
Sounds like your trip is going to be a lot of fun. Will you be visiting other towns as well?
Woo Hoo! Enjoy your vacation. I wish I was going with you. :D Instead I'm amusing myself with silly men... LOL ;-)
Hope you have a wonderful holiday with the family. I cannot imagine going even one year without a vacation, I love holidays lol.
I hope you enjoy your vacation and that your travels are trouble free!
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