Don't think I'm done with the wing: I still have to finish the top of the wing and all the backstitch that will add the final touch to it !!!
Yesterday, Esteban asked for a Santa hat before to go to bed for his nap and I let him have it, thinking he will use it as a blankie and look at what I saw when I checked him:
He fell asleep with the hat on: isn't he cute?
I still open my daily gift. This is what I got yesterday:
This is a tree that is more like a bag. I guess you can use it for craft, using napkins (but the only thing I do with my hands (beside cleaning my son's butt
) is cross stitch ...) I did try once to use napkins: it was a disaster
I had said I only cross stitch (we had to be specific about our tastes ... ) Anyway, I can always offer it someday to someone who has more talent than me
Today was more in my tastes:

It's danish chocolates and it opens like a flower

Esteban is too cute in his little Santa hat.
Your fairy is really coming to life. Great job on her so far.
Nice presents you got. I really like the paper box. That would be fun to decorate. Now, for those chocoates they wouldn't stand a chance around here.
tu as super bien avancé !!! j'ai hâte de voir le visage maintenant.
Ton petit est trop craquant avec son chapeau de Père noêl... c'est beau quand ils croient encore au père noel !
The Fairy looks wonderful:)
Esteban is so cute!! Aren't they so adorable when they are sleeping?
Love your picture of the little sleeping Santa lol.
The headless fairy is looking good now her wings have taken shape.
Those fairy's wings look just fantastic!!!
Your fairy looks gorgeous! Cute pic of your son.
Estaban is utterly adorable!
Your fairy reminds me of a giant butterfly that we saw in a butterfly garden a few years ago on holiday. I'm going to try to send you a picture of it.
Esteban is so cute in his Santa hat:) Reminds me of a photo I have of Abi:)
Your fairy is looking good. Love the colours.
Que tierno Esteban con su gorro de Santa :)
El ala del hada te esta quedando muy bien!
Awww bless - Esteban looks SO cute in his santa hat! :D
Your fairy is coming along fabulously.
Awww what a sweet baby! The fairy is cute cute cute! You could give the kidlette some paint and let him have at that paper mache tree?
What a cute pic of your DS. :) Your goodies are nice. Maybe you could put some stitching on the tree? Then cover the rest with fabric?
P.S. Your stitching looks great!
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