I went shopping this afternoon. I'm still doing my christmas shopping while everybody has probably finished it ...
I was also surprised to see that you are all done with your christmas cards ... I should work on that tomorrow morning! I bought a DVD for Chuy and I also found the Barbie's house my mom was looking for. The afternoon went very fast at the mall and then it was time to pick up the kids at school and day care.

I stiched last night !!! I am still focussing on the wing as I haven't looked for my mirabilias charts yet.

I went to the pediatrician on tuesday with Steb. She told me he doesn't need iron supplement
I'm very surprised as the man at the lab told me he's a little anemic ... He even joked I needed to give him horse meat !!! So I don't know who to believe . I trust a little more the lab as it's their job to determine if someone is lacking iron or not ... So I took an appointment with my family doctor to have a second opinion . I will feel better because I trust my family doctor more than the pediatrician 

Something weird happened during the night: blogger that used to be in french switched to english

je te rassure, je n'ai envoyé qu'une seule carte pour l'instant !
c'est drôle... contrairement à toi j'aurais plus confiance dans le pédiatre que dans le généraliste... mais tu as raison de demander un second avis...
Your little fairy is looking very cute!!
Your fairy looks great!
I would get a second opinion on Steb's iron count. I am constantly anemic and some signs I look for on myself is the palm of my hands...if they are pale or white then my count is down. If my palms are pink and splotchy then the levels are fine. I hope Steb's levels come back fine...those iron pills are yucky!
They are VERY cautious about giving iron supplements here, too, which is why I get the iron-added children's multivitamins from my mom in the US.
Good luck finishing up your Christmas shopping!
Great work on your stitching.
I agree you should get a second opinion on Steb's iron levels.
Crossing fingers you get all your Christmas shopping done in time.
Your fairy is looking lovely:)
I think you're right to get a second opinion on Steb's iron count.
Your fairy is coming out great. Its good that your getting a second opinion, I hope it utrns out ok.
Im still doing Christmas shopping too.
The fairy is progressing well.
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