Like everybody I like gifts so I answered to Blue on her blog. She is going to send me a gift and I will send a gift to the first 3 stitchers who will answer on this blog and who are also willing to play the pay it forward game and send a gift to 3 persons.
What I like with this pay it forward is that is not something you have to stitch necessarily (I don't know to make biscornu or other stitched stuffs). It can be cross stitch related or something else: something from where you live or something to make the other person happy! (like chocolate

To be honest, I will prefer that the 3 persons who will answer are regular readers who post once in a while or stitchers I read myself (you know who you are because I post on your blogs

I will ship anywhere and prepare a special package. I don't promise to send it tomorrow (it's sunday

So who wants a gift from meeeeeeeeeeeee ?

Sign me up :p
Ooooh, can I play?
I will play.
This is so fun! I had the opportunity to do this on my blog and Chiloe was one of the recipients --- I hope you all enjoy playing :)
Sounds like a fun idea. I have seen these before but it is usually something you have stitched and we dont all get enough time to stitch for ourselves never mind for gifts.
Hope you get something nice.
coucou , et bien que d'aventures avec ton arbre de noël !!! ma pauvre !!! b=ravo pour la Nimuë ,je l'adore , elle est magnifique !!!!!!! Si tu revends la grille je suis preneuse ! Bisousssssssssssssss
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