I read very scary news on Yahoo news today about how a new kind of flu (mixed strains of humans and animals )has appeared in Mexico, (with cases in Texas and California). Read all here ! And do you know where is Pierre's speech therapist in vacations right now? Yep, you guessed right: in Mexico ... Anyway with thousand of people travelling everyday, that flu is not going to stay where it started ... but it is scary (imagine the speech therapist bringing this flu here ....

Emma is fine. I didn't take her to the doctor because it was not swelling. But my arms were very sore the day after because I had to carry her from the school to the parking lot ...
My snowman is getting a scarf. I finished the cute little animal (squirrel?). I love stitching the back stitches as it gives life to this design. I even choose quarter stitches when I think it will look better ! I know I'm crazy but with the evenweave it's easy to do !
I got a happy mail day this morning. I bought two kits from a stitcher who was selling a lot of kits at a very good price. It's also a little sad because this lady is a single mom and I think she was selling a lot of her stash because she needs money.
I got this lady on her terrace that I always like:
And I got that one and yes, I can hear you very well right now !!! 

Have a great week end !!! 

the flu is always a scary thing, the aviar flu,the porcine flue..and with the travels,all this thig go to any place..
i am glad that Emma is better.
hum,,the lady in the garde is beautiful,but...the second one..have a lot of greens , isn't? (to much for me )
take care and have a nice weekend.
Great to hear that Emma's ankle isn't swollen. You must give me this lady's contact :0)) Would love to see what else she has. Maybe we can have a SAL for this Med. Terrace. I got her all kitted up but just don't have the time to start yet.
I've been reading about the flu thingy...SCARY! Love how Mr. Snowman is coming along. If it was up to me, I'd be where the snow is right now! :-)
Oh I adore your snowman! He is SO adorable Chiloe. Fantastic job.
Yeah, I've been loosely following the swine flu news on TV. Yikes. Hope the speech therapist is in an unaffected part of the country.
Take care!
I am also following the flu closely as DD is in that part of the world. I just love how your snowman is looking and what lovely stash you have acquired I like Lanarte charts
Lovely progress on your snowman!
Ummm, there is an awful lot of green in your new stash. I don't wanna hear any griping from you when the time comes,okay!
I can sympathise with the sore arms after carrying Emma. My arms always get sore after having to carry Annie or Heidi.
Love the new stash but agree with the other comments about the green. :)
That flu is all over the news here also. We are just getting into the winter cough and cold season which is not my fav. time of year.
Ces modèles sont très joli allez on ne dira rien sur ton nombre d'encours j'espère les voir dans le défi
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