Look at what I got in the mail today: I was shocked when I went to the mail box to see a big enveloppe. First I thought: it's for my father! He and I share an Ebay account and often he forgets to change the address. But, no, it was for me !!! The enveloppe was thick !!! Look:
Even though I knew Marita was going to send me the chart from her advent calendar, I didn't expect a thich enveloppe. I fell in love with the nativity on her Dimensions calendar and plan to stitch it and frame it. Marita generously offered to give it to me but she never mentioned she will add some goodies: a Winnie the pooh leaflet, a book (you knew you will make me very happy with an english book !!! ); some candies for the kiddos ( I'm secretly hoping Pierre won't want his to steal them, I mean, to not waste them !!!
) and a cute little card. Thank you very much Marita !!! You are a great friend and you brightened my day !!! 

We decided not to send Pierre to the speech therapist on wednesday. We prefer to wait for 7 days to make sure she's fine. Pierre is not the luckiest boy when it comes to life threatening illenesses so it's better not to take any risks. In my opinion, she should cancel all her appoitment for the week as she works with small children. We are also very concerned for Chuy's family in Mexico. A four year old just died two days ago with a high fever and they don't know if it 's from the swine flu. My father in law is going to turn 96 years in june and his health has been bad for some years now. They live in a small town 8 hours from Mexico city but there are already some cases in Guadalajara, 2 hours from their town ... I'm thinking about buying and shipping them some masks from here as the masks we can see on TV don't really seem to be the one needed ... I may ask our doctor if he can prescribe us some Tamiflu to ship to them as well.
I'm having so much fun with my snowman !!! He's progressing very well !

While Marita was looking for a winter jacket this week end, I checked the kids summer clothes in order to see which ones still fit and which ones we could try to sell soon. It's raining today so we are going to forget about summer clothes for the week I guess
I also decided it was time to do something with the boxes we still have in the living room. I bought four bins and I'm going to sort everything I have in those boxes. I guess we can say I'm spring cleaning 

Someone is celebrating a brithday day: guess who !!!

If you even like the backstitching, this snowman must definitely be a fun stitch, lol. He's a real cutie.
Que lindo esta quedando el hombre de nieve!!
Espero que la terapeuta de Pierre no haya adquirido la enfermedad mientras estuvo de vacaciones en Mexico.
hi chiloe love the progress on the snowman so far, so funny to see such a wintry design pictured on a lovely spring.summery layout! dont forget to keep an eye out for the postie love shel xo
Snowman is looking great..what fun!
Snowmen is just gorgeous and as it is approaching winter here he feels right at home. Happy Birthday.
This swine flu is a real worry. I hope the speech therapist does not get it or any of Chuy's family.
Your snowman is looking fabulous.
So glad the parcel arrived safely. Best tip with the vegemite is on toast with lots of butter and only use a very small amount.
espero que la familia de Chuy no se vea afectada por la gripe.
es una buena decisión la de no enviar a Pierre al terapista,es mejor prevenir.
felicitaciones por el regalo,y por el bordado.
I sent you an email re swine flu. I hope your son's tutor will be fine. And your husband's family, too, of course!
Take care!!
Love love love that snowmen, he is so cute.
That is a nice gift you received. It is wonderful to get surprises.
I hope everyone stays healthy!
Wowowow!!! What progress(es)!!! Great work Chiloe.
Every time I google I think of you these days :)
What a great package! Who's birthday?
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