The night before, we set up our TWO alarm clocks at 4.20 am in order to be out of the house at 5.15 (to be at the bus stop at 5.30). Everything was ready and the kids were pretty excited. Fast forward, Chuy checked the alarm clock and that woke me up so I checked mine and I read: 5.30 !
Imagine the panic right after you wake up
So we woke the kids up ( a little hard with Steb especially because I wanted him to use the bathroom before leaving.) Pierre was almost crying thinking it was too late ... So we didn't eat our breakfast (everything was ready on the kitchen table), we didn't wash our face, didn't brush our teeth
(disclaimer: nobody died or fainted for getting close to any of us
) Emma and I combed our hair and we left. We could have flied, we would have done it !!! I did run two red lights but nobody was on the streets so early on a saturday morning. We were all kind of shaking with such a stressful begining. I'm so glad everything was ready the night before: we just had to grab the back pack and leave.

Right before leaving, we noticed the light was on in the bathroom but it was too late already to go back to the house so we decided to call my mom on our way to the park to see if she could hep out. When we arrived on the parking lot, everybody was already in the buses and we were almost the last ones. We were very happy we made it . Chuy didn't know where he had left my keys but thought he left them in the car. I tried to sleep in the bus as it has been several nights in the row that I cannot fall asleep before 2 am. I managed to sleep a little bit but it's so hard to sleep in a bus. We later found out that actually my keys were NOT in the car but were left ON the house door!

Now the fun stuff: we went to the ASTERIX PARK, based on a famous comics character, close to Paris. Like last year, this trip is organised by the company where Chuy works so we paid only 75 euros for 5 persons and the company gave us 75 euros to eat in a restaurant. Well, with that money, we were able to eat in a restaurant, buy ice creams and three sandwiches for our trip back home!!! Isn't it great?
The park is celebrating its 20th anniversary and they painted Asterix, the main character in gold. Look at the sky: if it was raining at home, the weather was great at the park !!!
The kids had a blast with all the attractions !!!
I did manage to snap some pictures of the three of them.
Chuy (in white) decided to try one of this boat that goes up and down and he said it was very intense (and this man LOVES this kind of crasy attrations).
For lunch time, Pierre wanted pizza! See, this is Pierre second visit to this park. He came there when he was sick. The trip was organized by the hospital and we had to force him, literally, to go on that trip because he didn't want to go without me !!! We went to the hospital at 6 in the morning so he could have a chemio shot scheduled on that day and then we almost dragged him to the bus
Imagine trying to convince a kid that an amusment park CAN be a lot of fun !!!
The food at the restaurant was good and fresh! Better than what we ate at Disneyland last year ! ( I think the food was frozen over there). Look at the face of hapiness (well, after his pizza he wanted to steal his brother's fries

The park has 6 dolphins: during the show they explained everything about dolphins. It was every interesting and fun to watch.
Another family pic!
I don't like spinning attractions so I didn't go on that one ... but Chuy and the Pierre and Emma had a lot of fun !!!
In the romans village, they have people who play some characters from the comics serie. One of the act is to look for volunteers to be in the army against the roman. The two ladies tried to take a man with them then they grabbed Chuy by the arm. The other man escaped very fast and one lady gave some posters to Steb. He had a lot of fun looking at these two women who were goofing around.
Then they ended up including Steb in their act. I thought he will cry or run away but no, he was okay, very serious but fine.
This attraction may remind you the mugs they have at Disneyland. That's why I went there and got caught by surprise by the speed of the cauldrons. We were spining and spining very fast !!!
(remember, I don't like to spin

Chuy and the kids went to this sliding attraction. Steb couldn't go so I didn't either (don't feel bad for me, I don't think I would have appreciate it
) What is funny is that they were sitting with some spanish people. Emma practised a litlle bit her spanish.

After a while, Steb couldn't resist a nap in his stroller. Yes, he fell asleep with an (empty) cookie box in his hands

We finished the day with a ride on a merry go around.
So the day that almost didn't happen ended up being a great day. This park is really great for the families. Disneyland is more magical but this one has more family friendly attractions.
Stay tuned for our easter adventures and our tuesday plan !!!! More news tomorrow !!! Hope you all had a great easter day !!!

I'm so glad you made it, what a mad rush in the morning though. We've had those mornings and they are not fun.
The park looks fabulous and so much fun for the whole family.
look like a great time, with funny moments.
happy easter day!
Goodness what a close call! I'm glad you all had a fun day out!
I love spinning rides ~ wheeeee!
Oh, wow,what a stressful beginning!!! Sounds like our house. I'm so glad you made it, and that it was such a great time! :D
So glad you managed to catch your bus and had a great family day out.
What a crazy start to the day! lol I used to watch Astrix on tv when I lived in Germany....what great photos, brought back cool memories of the show for me :)
Wow, it looks like your family had a wonderful day!!! Sorry about the rough start, though. Thanks for sharing all the photos.
I'm glad you all made it! It looks like it was SO much fun!!
Looks like a great time! Love the pictures!
Next time, if you need to wake up so early, let me know. I am better than 10 alarm clocks! I wake up usually at 4.30am or earlier. Smart of you for getting everything ready the evening before. Asterix Park looks really fun and I am so glad that you make it there afterall.
Belle journée malgré un réveil et un départ précipité!
OMG! I'm surprised you made it but you all must be quite organized ;o) Glad you did though because from the pictures, it looks like you had a super time!
I remember reading Asterix in school. I was taking French and I prefered the comics :o)
I love the picture of Steb in the stroller. That would have been me after about 1/2 an hour ;o) LOL!
oh so glad you made it on time, it looks like you all had a wonderful time. Your pictures are lovely, you have a very beautiful family :)
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