Disco ball alert !
Disco ball alert !!!!! You are not going to believe it but we have a saturday happy dance !!!

Yes I did finish BOoo !!!! At last !!! I know you can't retain this little tear
because you know what it means, right? New project coming soon !!! Of course, I didn't stitch all the shading that didn't really show (what for?) but I did add some backstitching on the candies ... To really enjoy the true beauty of this baby, please click to enlarge. (please, disregard the spider web that doesn't look like a spider web: it got a little weird in my scanner.) Who can guess what's next? 

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Conversation between Chuy and I about how we always find nice people to help us out in Paris even though the parisians have the reputation to be rude people.
Chuy: " I wonder what they see in us?
Me: Pity? "

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Passport story, part 2:
Pictures are always needed to renew a passport and with the new security features on the passports, they have to be a certain way, right? When we went to take his pictures, the photos came out with a dark grey background. We told the lady, the background was too dark for his passport and the lady told us it was in conformity with the law and she added that is it was not fine, she will give us the money back. So when we went home, Chuy called back the ambassady ( understand consulate

* * *
Barbara wants to send me to the Snowman Addictions Anonymous meetings but she didn't leave any links

Let me grab my dancing shoes because Boo looks awesome!
Have a great weekend:)
Congratulations on your happy dance! Boo looks great :)
I hope the rest of the passport process goes smoothly, it sounds like a nightmare!
Wheee, congratulations on finishing Booo! Now, how about that fuchsia???
great!!! fantastic!!, congratulations for the BOo finish, and..the next proyect is?...a snowman?..
Yay! Congratulations!
HD for you!! Which is your next project?
A blue-eyed Chinese, you see that a lot - contact lenses!! You know, we always want to have what we couldn't never get - blue eyes, deepset eyes, sharp nose and blond hair.
The last time I tried to renew my passport at the Danish Embassy, they were asking for dkk400? and it will take like a month to get it renewed? I told them 'Thank you so much for the help'.
I wrote to my own country Immigration and they get the renewal done, sent to the embassy here, all within 1 1/2 week.
Have a great weekend.
Yvonne (hands shaking from all the weeds-plucking)
I love Boo!!!! Congrats on adorable piece.
I love the snowman kits. Snowmen melt my heart.
LOLOLOL! I know I am (snicker snicker) A blue eyed Chinese...yah, that's rare! wow... Guess what? YOU FINISHED BOOOO!!! YEAH FOR YOU! (doing happy dance here...can I hear a whoop whoop?) It looks FANTASTIC by the way! Soooooo, what's up next on the chopping block? Hmmmm I wonder...
OH!! Boo looks awesome Chiloe! Congrats on your finish. Too cute.
Yahoooo - wonderful finish! Glad you got your passport pics straightened out. BTW, just so you know there is a link for snowman addiction. It's a rehab place called Hoffman Distributing Co. :)
Adorable! Here it sounded like you were going to give up on it and voila! You present the completed project. Good for you!
My son said the same thing about traveling in France - As long as he, as an American, was polite and respectful (as anyone with good manners would be, yes?) everyone in France - and he spent most of his time in Paris - was lovely to him. We had the same experience in New York City. Warned of ugly New Yorkers, found only the loveliest of people.
Re: SAA, let me know if you find it as I have an alarming stack of snowmen stash here to be stitched "someday." At least you're ahead of me in that you do stitch some up - sometimes.
Boo looks fantastic ::Happy Dancing:: Congratulations on the finish.
If I find any snow men I will be sure to send them your way because I'm not much of a fan of snow men. Better they go to a good home where they will be loved than stuck in the back of a draw at my house.
I'm laughing at your conversation about what Parisians see in you. LOL! Our trip is set for Thursday and I already have knots in my stomach, worrying that I'll not have something they ask for.
Congratulations on your finish!!!
Wooo Hoo! Congrats on your finish!!!!!
The finish looks great. Congrats.
Yupiii! Felicitaciones por terminar Boo...te quedo lindo!
congratulations on your finish!!
hope you get the passports sorted soon
WOOHOOOOOOO!!! I'm doing a little dancing for you too :) I guess that means you go back to Fushias now? ;)
Congratulations on your finish! It's lovely.
Fabulous finish Chiloe! Congrats!
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