Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hello !!!

It seems like nothing but you are looking at a map (in the making !!! )

Fall wanted us to know it has really started and rain has been pouring since 5 pm (but we are already home !!! yeah !!! ) But tomorrow is wednesday and I'll have to go out anyway. The only good thing is that my cold is getting better: I still cough but my nose is healing slowy ...

Happy stitching everybody


Tammy said...

Great progress so far on your 'map'.

Glad to hear your cold is getting better.


Ranae said...

I love the Wild West start.
Happy Autumn!!

Anonymous said...

I know you have wanted to start this for some time. Lots of stitching and not much GREEN!

Beatrice said...

You've made a great start.
Get well!

Pumpkin said...

Hey, it's a start!

At least you don't have frost :oS It's SOOOOOO cold in the mornings here.

Glad to hear you're feeling better!

Windy said...

I wish we had Rain!!!!!!!!!

mainely stitching said...

I'm hoping the rain here will hold off till tomorrow.... ;)

Hope you continue to heal up from your cold!

sugardoll said...

Oh yay! A new start. I can't wait to see more. You also picked the right fabby. It looks kinda oldish.

Anonymous said...

Great progress. I hope the cold is fully cleared up now.