I don't know when I'll get used to get up early to drop Pierre off at school ... He should have school on saturday during 2 years, then the class will be on wednesdays.
I'm still progressing well on my Lanarte and still having fun doing it. I need not to be leave the frame for the end because I may get bored stitching it on one over two.

Wow Chiloe, looking very good :o)
It's moving along very fast chiloe and looking gorgeous!
It's looking beautiful so far!
Amazing progress Chiloe.
I couldn't do school on Saturday. But once Annie starts school next year I expect we will be doing sports on Saturday mornings.
WOW! That is stunning.
Holy, school on Saturday? I feel like that when I'm driving Princess to work on weekends. I just want to sleep in - forever and forever.
It's beautiful! I never got used to being at school as a teacher on Saturday mornings when I lived in France! LOL We had school days - 8.15am to 5.35pm - during the week Monday to Friday. Surely that should have been enough?
Very pretty! Love the little bird.:)
super joli chiloé, tu avances bien; bravo
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