Summer is officially over and Google likes to celebrate it playing with their logo.
Thanks everybody for your kind words. A tutor will be great but it is not offered at his school and a student will be too expensive ... I guess the poor guy is stuck with his mom ...

I started a new project last night:

It's Treasure map by Janlynn. I'm stitching that one for Steb. I chose a 32
count antique gold by Silkweaver. First I had chose a solo but when I got it, there was a hole in the middle of the fabric. I would have prefered to use the other color but that one is ok.

Does the school test for learning disablities? Perhaps he should be tested.
My DD was diagnosed with LD's in grade school. With lots of hard work and teaching her how to compensate she became an honor roll student.
hi chiloe your latest hd is lovely and done really fast this time maybe the not so much green eh ;) i love this design you have started now looking forward to seeing your progress!
Science must be a hard subject anyway. Do the teachers have any ideas for you?
LOL! You've started a new one :o) I do like the color of the fabric.
Is there things like tutorials after school hours or during free periods?
We used to have tutorials for all subjects at certain times during the day so we could ask the teacher and get the to show us/explain what we were having trouble with.
I like the new project your starting. I look forward to watching this one grow
We live in silicon Valley. Near google and ebay. \o/
We had the Spring google down here in Australia.
I'm loving the sunny spring weather.
Sorry you are still having no joy with the homework.
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