My friend Pumpkin has created a special chart for the breast cancer awareness month: check it out on her blog . You should follow her blog: she's very funny (especially when she does laundry
) and she's a great stitcher !!!

I now have 101 followers! Thanks to the 5 persons who decided to follow my blog. Who is the 100 th follower?
I am now on Facebook : Yvonne made me do it !!! (I swear !!!

Don't you like when you try to upload some pictures and a message from Blogger pops up telling you: Bad request ! What do you mean bad request? It's only cross stitch !!!

This week, we learned that the magazine De Fil en Aiguille that was loved by many stitchers is going bankrupt.
The last issue was the one I showed you last week. I hope another publisher will buy the magazine because it is one of the best. My favorite designer, Veronique Enginger, was a regular contributor to the magazine. This is so sad. I bought an extra copy of the last issue with the botanic studies to do a give away one of these days!!!
Do you like that idea? So stay tuned !!!

Chuy got a MP3 player from one of his best friend from California. The guy recorded 580 songs from their chidhood/ young years. It took us a while to find out how it works but we mastered the beast and since then , I have a pretty silent husband (he is usually very talktative .... very rare among men but I did marry an exception !!! That's what happen when you marry exotic bird !
) , a husband who shouts "what?" very loud (with the earphones on !
) , who sings (very loud as well) mexican songs or Michael Jackson songs. Then he makes me listen to songs (sometimes old boring mexican songs because that's what he likes ... ( while I'm more a rock and roll girl who loves energetic songs !!!
) and tells me: "it's good, isn't it? " ... Me: "you mean for a retirement home? " 

I noticed it's been a while since I haven't showed some stash so here it is (yes, there are some but I couldn't resist a good bargain: I'm sure you understand me, right? )
I always loved that snowman:
A cutie:
Some Lanarte:
Another Vera.
And some sunflowers with the exact same style as my fuchsias: watercolor ( = lots of 1/2 ... but only with yellows and ... greens

I won't show you any pictures of the fuchsias because I didn't stitch last night ...
Great stash! I just saw that sunflower project finished by another blogger.
Oh now...can't talk you into gaming, what about stitching for me?? LOVE all the stash! and what do you mean the mag is going bankrupt?? NOOOOO!!!
I was on a mission to get a subscription!!
You know, the sunflowers fit my house these...french country;) I bet you can have it finished by Christmas:)
Congrats on so many followers! You never knew you were so interesting, huh? (((HUGS)))
I'm probably the said blogger that just finished the Sunflowers :)
The entire project is 1 thread over 2 and I really didn't like the linen but they are well worth the effort
LOL!! I am so 'sorry' that I got you into Facebook. I actually go there once in a while (whenever I remember).
Glad that Chuy managed to listen to all those 580 songs.
I am drooling over stash but don't forget Fuschia as I will bug you until it is done.
Mais où trouveras tu le temps de broder tout cela?
Tes fushias sont magnifiques
Lovely stash - I love the Lanarte ones. Cant wait to see more on the fuschias.
Good luck on your facebook.
In the Netherlands we have Hyves, it is the same as facebook.
When you are addicted to games, you don't have the time for stitching....kee[p stitching, I love to see all your progress, and you have a lot of lovely stash to stitch.....
Love the new stash. That should keep your fingers busy for a while lol
That sure is some nice new stash you got!! Can't wait to see you start on it.
Oh my gosh, the magazine is going bankrupt??? That really is one of the best cross stitch magazines of all time. I hope someone saves it! was nice to read...
OMG...lovely stash
There are some gorgeous kits there. I am glad to see the fucshias back, they are beautiful.
Bet you know which pattern I like the best! :P
Thanks for that little advertisement Chiloe ;o) I think I got an extra four followers!
Did they really go bankrupt???? :o( That was a lovely magazine and I can see why you would miss it.
WOW! Look at the great stash! That 'should' keep you busy for awhile ;o) ROFL!
Great stash!
MP3 players can be baaaad things. I have a Zune and I listen to it way too much. :-)
The snowman chart you have...I stitched that up several years ago as a Christmas present for my MIL. It turned out really pretty...I'm sure you'll love stitching yours up.
Fantastic Stash :)
So glad you got the MP3 player working :) My husband has never been talkative and it is even harder now he has his iPhone which plays music. :grin:
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