As I promised you a while ago, here is the giveaway for the last issue of the magazine De Fil En Aiguille. You can see some pictures of the charts here. The rules are very simple: it's open to EVERYBODY, you have until sunday (my time) to enter and Emma will draw a name on Monday. Just enter your name on this post ONLY and please, add your email if your email is not linked to your blog or if you don't have a blog. You don't have to put a link on your blog but if you want to do it, feel free.

Good luck everybody !!!

I love all the charts! all of them are so gorgeous! Thanks for the chance. Please add me into the draw. :)
I would love to win! I read French better than I speak it. (4 yrs of French nearly 20yrs ago) Anyway I enjoy muddling through and I've been wanting to get ahold of a copy of this magazine.
Oh wow! What a great magazine! I love the magnolia and the wisteria and...LOL
So... it looks like whole the world is having a
Please enter me in your draw, its a lovely magazine.....
Go Emma pick my name...
Hola !
Me puedes anotar en el sorteo ?
mi mail es :
Gracias !!
How sad that this is the last. I have about a half dozen of them that I collect over the past dozen years, including one bought in Spain last year. I would love to add this one to my collection.
Hi! Sign me in... even if I never win anything...
Oh wonderful giveaway! This is something I can't get here, British & Austrailian yes, but no French magazines.
Enter me, please!
Tell Emma to focus on the letter "L"....lolol sign me up girly!
Love the Iris so please put me in
love those patterns, please count me in
Wauw Chiloe, what a great give-away. I love the magazine.
These flowerpaterns are so beautiful.
After cloosing this messages I will look around on your blog more closely.
If I will be THE lucky one you can leave a message on my blog. The message will be automaticly send to my e-mail account. I don't like to have my e-mail anywhere on the internet.
Have a nice day and warm greeting from the Netherlands.
I love flowers!Thanks for giving a chance to win!
lovely patterns. Thank you for hosting a giveaway, and I'd love to be entered.
just wanted to say hi! someone posted your blog address on a cross stitch forum, and I came to visit. I noticed yu have the mexican flag; are you from Mexico?
well done on the blog.
I love flower chart. Emma, pick me, pick me!
I'd love to have a chance! Will just have to hit up Philip for the French ;)
Hello Chiloe. What a lovely magazine. I would love to be included in the draw. All the best, Edda
Oh please toss my name in the hat. I see these magazines on the blogs but have never actually seen one. I would love to win.
Thanks for the chance.
Would love to be entered into the contest - thank you!
dollfinii @
this looks a very beautiful maazine..
I love this magazine!!!! Please add my name and thank you for the giveaway Chiloe :o)
Please Please count me in too!!! I simply love those charts.
Por favor anotame en el sorteo, mi mail, muchas gracias!!
Pick me, pick me! Great giveaway. Thanks Chiloe!
The giveaway is now closed! The winner will be announce very soon !!!!!!!!!
Flute j'ai loupé ça!
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