
I decided that my floss had to be better organized because I used to keep my full set of DMC threads sorted by colors (because it's so beautiful that way
) but it's a pain each time you want to kit a new project

I decided that my floss had to be better organized because I used to keep my full set of DMC threads sorted by colors (because it's so beautiful that way

So now, it looks like that: not so yummy, not beautiful anymore but it should make kitting a project much more easily !!!
I didn't stitch much those past days because I got addicted to a facebook game
but that should change today !!!
hey you looking good!!! i love it all you need to do now is put it in a pretty frame to match L)
WOOHOO!!!! HD!!!! Congrats Chiloe :o) That was a big project and I'm glad to see you finish it. It's absolutely beautiful. I love how the strands come out of the flowers like that.
What's next???? ;o)
Wow Chiloe, it's gorgeous! Well done on another beautiful finish!
So what's up next? I bet it's one of your Santa's :o)
Why don't you put your threads onto bobbins in a box in number order then they're easy peasy to find when you're kitting up.
Congrats! Great piece.
Wow wow what a beautifull finish
Great job, it's finally done, Whats next???
Yay! Isn't it great when an oldie gets finished?
Wow that's beautiful. Well done. Congrats on your happy dance. Whats next - another lanarte?
Beautiful finish, Congrats
Whow Chiloe. I knew you could do it. Your fushia looks absolutely stunning. Well done. I am looking forward to see what you are working on after this. :-)
Congratulations Chiloe on a beautiful finish. You deserve a big happy dance.
Beautiful works Chiloe. Congratulations! I'm organizing my flosses too.
Congratulations!!! the fuchsia is beautiful,but hard to stitch, is a pretty work.
here we have warm weather, but we need rain, a lot of rain..
It's gorgeous! 5 days?! Wow! I can't do that fast. LOL
Keep that drawers but buy more drawers. Put the group of numbers (like 200 - 210) on each sandwich ziplock bags (use tape to mark it) & put those threads in each bag. ~ Dawn ~
Check out my blog about thread storage:
Wahoo!!! Dancing with you Chiloe!!! It looks stunning!
Congratulations!!! What are you going to stitch next?
It's so cold here, I am dirty dancing to heat things up, lol
It looks gorgeous.
I try hard to stay off those games, it's working so far.
Congrats on your finish. It's b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! :)
That is a gorgeous finish!
Congrats on your beautiful finish!
WOOHOO!!!! YAY!!!!!
I love cold weather! I am doing a dance. Mostly dancing to stay warm in my house being that my BF won't let me turn the heat on yet. Im so going to turn it on when he leaves for work tomorrow, if I can bear getting our from under the covers. :) BTW your fuchsia's are beautiful!
Hi Chiloe, have missed out on quite a few posts. I am just catching up. Happy to see the Fuschias back :)
Congrats!!!! Woohoo!!!
Congratulations! Its beautiful!! Will have to add you on FB :D
Waouuuuuuuu BRAVO!
Il est superbe, félicitations.
Je crois qu'un petit rangement de cotons s'impose ;-) incroyable ce que tu as, un vrai trésor!
Ooohhh, what a lovely finish.
Woohoo! Wonderful finish!!!
Congrats on the 5 days to a finish! It's a beautiful piece and will look great displayed for all to see.
An amazing fabulous finish Chiloe! Congrats!
I'm still looking for the Kreinik...you still need it??? Happy Dance on the other...beautiful...just beautiful...and I can't wait for the snow...my headache today is telling me it's on its way! :)
Congratulations on the finish. :)
What Facebook game did you get addicted to?
Congratulation for your finished. It looks gorgeous. I really love that picture. You did great work
( tiinamarianne )
Congratulatuons on a major finish. It's a great piece.
Muchas, muchas felicidades por ese maravilloso trabajo. Te ha quedado espectacular y la espera ha merecido la pena!!!!! Besos,
Absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures and colors when autumn outside the door appear....
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