Yesterday I felt like it was already friday maybe because today was the last day before the kids are off from school for a week end a half. That also means I won't be doing my wednesday taxi chores for three weeks because we'll have a holiday on november 11 th (not a happy date for us but I'll take it !!! ) I love vacations !!!!
Yesterday I got a text message (yes, stores don't call you anymore, they text message you ...

I'm still stitching on my banner but unfortunately, I made a mistake when I stitched the white frame. I don't know how I could made such a mistake but I did it and I'm not going to frog !

Have a great week end !!! Ours should be quiet (if nobody get kill during our assembling time ...
), we have two birthdays to celebrate though. Emma is at a friend house until sunday morning. Talking about Emma; we got her report card today: she's a straight A student !!!
(but you know what I love the most about her? She actually does her homework willingly AND with a smile ! Priceless
(if only Pierre could do the same ... )

It's lovely!
Good luck with the table! We're the same way. I can't wait for the new shed bits to get here.
(Had to check your blog before I went offline!)
Congratulations to Emma!!!!!! :D Enjoy a wonderful weekend. :D
Bravo for Emma.... good job girl..
Nice progress on the birdie.
Hope you have a great weekend to, good luck with the table
High5 to Emma! Have a great weekend and happy stitching! :)
Congrats to Emma.
I love your Christmas stitching its gorgeous.
Hugs xxxx
Back stitch does make such a difference. Love the bow.
Oh for a child who does homework willingly and without complaint.
Hope you get the table assembled with a DLE :)
That's something I like ~ text message. We don't pay attention to our phone because we are deaf. So it is kind of nice to have text message said hey there your furniture came in. LOL Beautiful start on your project. Can't wait to see more of it. ~ Dawn ~
DON'T send the frog my way! LOL I love the little chickadee on the top...DS #3 favorite bird...
Your stitching looks great! I have no cell phone, so no texting for me!
That looks great!
good luck with the assembled!.
lovely stitching!.
Esta lindo el banner que has empezado, la tela que has elegido le va muy bien!!
Felicidades a Emma por sus buenas calificaciones en la escuela.
Great Christmas stitching.
Love the stitching! Congrats to Emma for such an awesome report card!! Hope that all goes or has gone well with the assembly!! Yuck, hating putting that kind of stuff together!!
Three most dreaded words a man can hear.....Some Assembly Required!
Hi!What a nice start on the banner!I like Dimensions designs too.I´ve read your blog for a while,but this is my first comment.
Finally caught up with your last few posts :). You finished the Fuschia!!! Congratulations!!!
I love the welcome and the birdie is sooo cute. Emma has really done a great job. Congratulations to her. She seems so organized :)
Congrats Emma!!!!
I know what you mean about smaller projects but you really did some good progress. The colors are so pretty and very Christmas :o)
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