On saturday, we celebrated Pierre and Chuy's birthdays (two october babies). Pierre turned 13 on october 7 th that makes him an official member of the teenager club. Already 13 yo ... Time flies ...

Steb was so happy when Pierre was opening his gifts. Mickey is not really apropriate for a 13 yo but I didn't have another wrapping paper. He got a MP3 player and now feels he belongs to the world !!! (then he took forever to figure out how to download some music to his player but this is a totally different story ... )

In this portrait, Pierre looks so grown up: I think that's what he could look like in some years from now.
The kids are on vacations for a week and a half so we have to find some things to do. I bought two little clay items to paint. Emma got a little lady to paint and was very happy to paint it but almost at the end, the little lady fell off and broke. She was very disapointed and it was hard to stop her tears ...

Steb got a little car and he loved painting it (in blue and only in blue !!! )

Mid october, we got our christmas toys catalogs. (this is soooooooo crazy) Pierre and Emma love to circle what they want so Steb had to do the same. He was so funny to watch.

I have three big mistakes in my stitching now but I won't frog it ... I only hope it won't be a problem when i'll have to stitch the Wecome message on the middle. Before my Facebook life, it would have been already finished ... I'm working on the second bird. The design is so cute but it's a Dimensions and those designs are often very pretty but a pain to stitch.

Feliz cumple para ambos!!!
Suerte con la fiesta de halloween el sabado!
What a beautifull picture sof yor children, they look very much alike!!!
Love you halloween table, good luck on Saturday.
Love the little birdie!!! I thought it was already finished by now......
Good looking kids! Happy belated Birthday Pierre. I love his glasses-they look really cool.
Happy belated birthday to Chuy and Pierre! Hope you have a great Halloween party.
Love your current wip, the colours are really rich and I love them!
Happy birthday to the new teenager, mp3 are great! i put in my all the old music (80's, 90's) even some of Muse, and Gossip,,so in my mp3,you can find one song of duran duran,queen,take that,or Gossip,,:D
lovely stitching, look beautiful.
YOur children are gorgeous :) Happy birthday to two of them.
Before facebook life lol yeah ..what is this thing you called Stitching????
Happy Birthday Pierre!
Happy belated birthday to Pierre and Chuy! Chiloe your kids are beautiful and handsome! :) And wish you and your family happy halloween in advance! Happy holiday! Cheers!
Sounds like good birthdays! Great pics!
Happy birthday to your big fellas. :D
A teenager? Holy smokes. We'll have that happening too soon here, too!
Good luck with that party on Saturday, you crazy (but great!) mama!
Great pictures of your children, Chiloe!
Belated happy birthday to Pierre and Chuy!!
Have fun on saturday.
Your kids are beautiful. Glad they had wonderful birthdays. Your project is coming along nicely. I love how you decorate the table. So perfect ~ Dawn ~
I love all the pics!!!! Happy belated birthday to Pierre and Chuy!! Your stitching is looking great too!!
What a great disappointment it must have been to Emma. Working so hard and enjoying the painting.
You have great kids. The picture of the boys together. You can tell from there faces that the are anxious to know what is in the package.
Nice greetings,
The Netherlands
Your kids are so cute, now the fun begins when they get to be teens!! I know what you mean about Dimension kits. They have great designs you can only get that way! You will survive!!!
Happy Birthday to Chuy and Pierre. Pierre is certainly a handsome young man.
Happy (belated) Birthday to Chuy and Pierre!!!!
Emma did a lovely job with her decorating. Maybe she should be an interior decorator or party planner? :o)
GET OFF FACEBOOK!!!! LOL! Can't you see how your stitching is suffering???? ;o)
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