I'm dealing with a virus (well, it's not really a virus, it's more those annoying things that bother your computer) on my computer ...... It's started last evening and I spent the rest of the evening scanning the coputer. Of course, some stuff stayed in the computer and I've been spending a lot of my day waiting for the infos a guy on a specialized bulletin board has been giving me ... My problem is not fixed ... yet . I haven't stitched since thrusday night which makes me sad ...
By the way, do you think my children don't look like they belong to the same family at all? One of my friend told me that ater she saw the 3 pictures above.
Hope you all had a great week end ...........

As for kids not looking like they belong to the same family, I've actually been asked which of our kids is adopted! LOL!!
Good luck clearing up that computer virus!
I'm sorry about your computer. Hope it is fixed soon and you get some time to stitch.
Sorry your computer is acting up, I hope it is fixed and running well soon. You're making great progress on your snow family piece, it looks wonderful. Also, great pictures of your children and the carnival. It looks like a lot of fun, and what fun pictures of them playing with the moustache.
I can see the resembleance ....all 3 have the same nose and mouth! beautiful family!
Sorry your computer chrash, I hope it is fixed soon.
Coucou Chiloe. Si tu as un cheval de Troie comme il en traine pas mal pour l'instant, tu peux voir avec Spyware Doctor. C'est le seul qui nous a tout détecté et permis d'en être quitte.
Bon courage.
I think your kids have similarities. Love the mustache pics LOL
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