I know: you can't believe it but it's true : I did stitch some green yesterday. And I survived

Enough talking, I know you just want to see my new stash
You are just a bunch of curious gals
(because me, of course, I'm so perfect
) You know I'm a Lanarte lover. A fellow cross stitcher was selling some charts from the kits she stitched. When I checked her list, I saw 3 Lanarte charts and of course, I didn't even try to resist as I can't afford most of those kits.

I got one I always wanted:

I love this bouquet

Then I got Lavender:

And these flowers that were originally sold with a printed fabric but I'm sure I can stitch it on a Silkweaver fabric.

And you know what? Chuy got a little bonus from work and he decided to offer me something. He told me to choose a kit I really wanted and you know what is great? An online needlestore has THE kit I always wanted at 50% the original price.
I'll place my order tonight
Chuy will get Seinfeld, season 5 

And you know what? Chuy got a little bonus from work and he decided to offer me something. He told me to choose a kit I really wanted and you know what is great? An online needlestore has THE kit I always wanted at 50% the original price.

I weighted myself this morning ... I gained 2 kilos
I had already some weight to loose ... I guess I need to start exercising again ( bad knee, bad back ... ) and eat better ...
... I'll start to excercice tonight: do you think stitching can be included in my excercice program?
I wish
Today was Esteban's carnival: I'll show you the pics tomorrow ( I should have worked in advertising )
My friend Blue mentioned on her blog that the french blog Tire-fils is going to close soon. She has a lot of free charts so save ( the menu is on the right) what you like before she erase her blog
tu t'es lâchée sur les Lanarte, c'est cool,
That green is coming along. Keep in mind every stitch is that much closer to the finish line!
Good luck with the weight loss.
super de te voir de retour... bon, je me fais toute petite sur ce coup là !
je crois connaitre le kit que tu as choisi...
Oh, you must finish this piece in time for Christmas!! I love the Lanarte charts ;)
Green is GOOD! Just keep repeating that to yourself. :D
Yay! That green looks great!
And it looks fantastic!
yay! The tree is back. Great stitching. Keep up the green! You'r new charts are awesome. I just received The Gift by Lanarte. Do you have that one? It is so pretty!My sister is stitching it right now, So I'll stitch it after her. ((You can see a picture of it on my blog)
Congrats on the new stash... very pretty!
Great progress on your Christmas tree piece too :)
I'm looking at that tree and thinking that it would take me years to do...probably not too helpful of a comment, huh? ;-)
Seinfeld...we have all 9 seasons on DVD. We love that show just too much...quite sad when we can relate our real life happenings to what happens in Seinfeld episodes...LOL!
Great job getting started on the tree. Love your stash!
Juste pour te dire que je te TAGUE
Va voir mon blog pour le règlement
Bisous hihihi
Your WIP is turning out nice. I like it! Great stash, too. :) Love looking at stash. Hee hee!
Los graficos de lanarte estan muy bonitos!! Y me alegro que hayas avanzado un poquito con el árbol :)
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