Four movies I’d watch again
My big fat greek wedding
My name is nobody
When Harry meet Sally
Dirty dancing ( I didn't know what to say

Four places I’ve lived
Santa Fe, New Mexico - USA
Nochistlan, Zacatecas - Mexico
Fort Worth, Texas - USA
Four TV shows I watch
Desperate housewives
CSI Las Vegas
Without a trace
Cold case
Four places I’ve been(I’m assuming this means been, but not lived)
London, England
Sicily, Italy
Stuttgart, Germany (almost forgot that one ...

Aguascaliente, Mexico
Four things I love to eat
Hamburgers (that's not a good begining ...

All kind of breads !!!
Four places I’d rather be(I’m listing places I’d like to go to too)
Four things I look forward to
Going to Disneyland Paris in april
Going to London in may
Getting more stash
Watching more desperate housewives season 3 on DVD (not yet release in France !!! edited specially for Barbara )

You've only listed three things you're looking forward to - or maybe the stash counts as two? LOL!
You can come and visit me in Australia any time you like. I'd love to meet you in person.
I think cheeseburgers would be #1 on my fav. foods list. :grin:
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Esteban!
Happy birthday to you.
(I think I'm late but the wish is sincere.)
You're such an inspiration with your stitching! I will post my [frogging] progress later! Anyway, your snow family is adorable and I like how you changed the smiles on Mom and Dad but left the kiddo looking a little mischievous.
I have this meme somewhere in my archives and will dig it out. I've read some books and watched some movies since then and may have to make some changes.
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