Esteban's birthday is on friday!!!! He wants some Playmobil : it's the first year he asks for something !!! 

For those who have a french ancestor or who are interested in genealogy (Debi

Tonight I feel very sad and disapointed. Chuy's niece had told us she sent us ALL our packages (with all the stuffs we couldn't bring with us on the train) on febuary 8th from the german post office. On march 8 th, I started to worry because we were not getting even one package! Strange ... So I called the french post office to see if it could be a problem between the 2 countries. No, nothing there ... Feeling, it was very strange, I asked Chuy to call her again. So tonight we learned that she never sent ANYTHING on febuary 8 th

Lookin' awesome!
great advance in family snow...
so sorry for the trouble with the lies..i suffer this disapointment with my own brother,,and the most hurt is the lie inself.
oh la la, ton ouvrage sent la fin... tu broderas quoi ensuite ??
pas sympa ces mensonges... c'est vrai qu'il valait mieux dire exactement ce qu'il en était...
I'm sorry you get let down. :-(
Am loving the snow family.
Your snow family looks wonderful.
Wish I could offer some cheer regarding your postal/family woe - I can only imagine how disappointed you feel. Sending ((((hugs!)))) to you and your family.
Ehiii Chiloe...did you realize I've just translated my post into English!!! While I was translating it I received your message...;O)...you're very quick in writing to me!!!T
hank you for your interest!
But are you going to finish your snowmen?!? they're wonderful and very colourful!!!
Your snow family is looking wonderful, you are making such good progress on this. So sorry to hear that your packages are going to be so delayed. How rude of her to lie and say one thing and do another. She had to know you would find out. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the packages get to you sooner than you expect, so it will be a nice surprise.
What is the matter with people? Too bad she just couldn't be honest with you and tell you that she hadn't sent the packages yet...I'm sure you would have understood that much better than having her lie to you.
So sorry this happened to you.
I'm really sorry to hear that Chuy's niece couldn't tell you the truth. I just hope that the packages would arrive super fast to you. You know, sometimes the mail comes quicker than normally.
Your stitching looks awsome!
I'm so sorry to hear what happened with your packages. I agree with you, why lie about it? (((HUGS))) to you!
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