I really really hate that. Actually with Chuy we always end up arguing wondering if we are doing the right thing ... Yesterday's goal was to give a kitchen look to ... our kitchen !!! In the kitchen, we only have the furniture under the sink and a small pantry/closet but five people need some rooms, right? So we bought a big cabinet that can hold the microwave and our plates, glasses, silverplates, and so on ... But first, you have to build it ... Always build those! they never come already built !!! Probably just to bother me !!! 

Here is the before pic: the fridge faced a wall close to the door.
Beginning of the nightmare:
but it's always easy in the beginning !!!

Getting serious: nowadays, instructions are only drawings (it's cheaper than paying different people to do write those in several languages ... this cabinet os from Denmark!)
Cabinet up ! Now, how to add a drawer and two doors ...? That's when it gets ugly. You know, when the easy stuff is NOT easy at all and you spend lots lots of time trying to figure out how it can work ... wondering if it's going to work at all ...
That's why there are NO intermediate pictures 

After my father's help, here it is : all finished !!! Now, it feels like a real kitchen !!! And yes, we are still married
(but did I tell you we still have a furniture to mount in the bathroom ........ ? )

Have you seen the new Mirabilia design? I kind of like it but would like to see it stitched so if you are going to stitch it, let me know
Laural would you be the first?

I'm sure you want to see my progress ? I'm still having fun !!!
I'm working on the legs now.

I like what you guys have done with cabinet & fridge. Looks great. Your progess is beautiful!! Can't wait to see more of it. Oh man, another one from Mirabilla ~ that one is gorgeous. ~ Dawn ~
Too bad we don't live closer. My husband is an ace furniture assembler. He would be glad to help.
Your picture of the new Mirabilia is very cruel. I love it and even have the perfect fabric for it, but I don't dare buy ANOTHER Mirabilia when I have so many unstarted ones in my stash already.
You did a wonderful job on assembling the cabinet!! Looks great.
Nice progress on your stitching. This is a wonderful design. Love the mirabilia designs too.
i like asamble forniture,but Alone, because when my hubby "help"..always end in arguin and a lost pieces , like screws...because he never never read the instruccions, he use the logic...but i think the Ikea forniture are´nt logic..they are a chaos!!.
Your kitchen look great, and the gavinet look perfect.
abour mirabilia, is really a beauitufl stitching, and the new patter is gorgeous too.
What brand is this cabinet from Denmark? I will make sure that I will never buy from them :0))) I tried once assembling just 2 simple bedside tables and it took me almost 3 hours!
Love the new MDs and like you, can't wait to see it stitched by someone else. Saw the materials list for this and I almost fainted! No beading for me!
I adore your Sweet Pea. Those are my colours!!!
Oh hon - I understand that furniture stuff. To save our marriage, DH puts the furniture together and I leave the house. It works for us. Your kitchen is looking good with the finished cabinet.
I saw the new Mira this morning. Not sure if I like it. And the extras - oh my!!!
Good progress on Sweet Pea
LOL, talk about language difference! When I read that, I thought... furniture in the kitchen? What? You were building what we call cabinets for the kitchen, LOL. Glad you got it all together and are still married ;-) Stitching looks great.
I LOVE the new Mirabilia! Go for it! snicker snicker...seriously though it's pretty! Love your progress and at least he HAS the directions out! Can't say that about my DH...
The first year my DH and I bought a house (we'd been married about a year), we bought these ridiculously full ruffled curtains that were all the rage back in the dark ages. We naturally disdained paying anyone to put these dang things up, so we waited (ahem - procrastinated). The night before my parents were coming up to see the house, we broke bad and went on a hanging spree. By 4:00AM, we nearly had a divorce (LOL) and decided that we'd NEVER hang these things again - someone else could! Progress on your WIP looks great!
Cabinet turned out great & the kitchen looks really nice :o) Great start on your new wip.
Great work on the cabinet.
Your kitchen looks nice.
You can she it's becoming a lady your piece, love the colors
Home improvement = disaster/divorce ;o) LOL! Seriously though, the cabinet does look great. You must work well together if you're still married ;o)
Your kitchen looks nice with the new cabinet. I know what you mean about still being married. Ha!
I want to stitch it! But I'm waiting to get it to give my poor projects a fighting chance. LOL
Things aren't pretty when we try to fix or assemble things together. Very, unpretty.
I love the Mirabilla piece, it is so pretty.
Congratulations on getting the cabinet together and still being married at the end.
I call those situations DLE - Divorce Level Events. If there is furniture to assemble them I go elsewhere and leave my husband to it by himself... except for one time I came back and found he'd put the girls bunk beds together backwards, the ladder was against the wall!
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