So we told the kids, we'll come back in another season when there are less tourists and we started to go around to take good pictures of the tower. That's when we saw a place where the line was small to go up the second floor by the stairs. Stairs? Why not ... So we bought our tickets (yes you actually pay to torture yourself )
So here we are at the beginning of the stairs:
But you may wonder how in the world do you climb 700 (yes, you read well) stairs with a toddler.
That way:
And also:
And then:But we did it !!! The proof is here: 700 steps ....
Here are my babies posing for some pictures:

The view is amazing:

On our way to the top, Emma got scared by that guy !!!

After such a big effort, we decided it was time to have picnic but a picnic with a view:

We found a nice bunch in front of the tower:

After lunch, Steb had a playdate with his friends (see the bird on the right? ):
We also took an one hour cruise on the Seine:
Pierre was ready to listen to the commentary (mine was not working):

Someone took a 5 Euros nap
I won't bored you with all the pictures I took during this cruise ... (I know you are very grateful right now !!! lol)
Emma visited Paris with her flip flop shoes ( I don't know how she does that ... ) The one hour long cruise was a little too long for Emma and she was happy to relax on the ground after that.
She also really wanted to see that guy, who plays the statue, bend to say thank you ... (give him money and he will bend for you I don't know how he doesn't die in his suit with the high temperature ... )
After that, we took a small walk in the parisian streets.
Funny fact: Pierre found his twin in a subway ad
You may think Steb was cooperative for my pictures but he was his old self most of the time as these photos will prove you .
Stay tuned for part 2 (if you are not too tired of looking at my pics already
I also want to thank you for your nice wishes about our trip: it really made my day !!!
Oh my gosh! The pictures are great. I love those. Looks like fun & exhausting days. I wanna go there!! Next time take me & i will help you with kids. LOL ~ Dawn ~
Oh, it looks like you had a great time! Love the pictures!
I much prefer touring in the off season when crowds are minimal! Hard to do when you have kids in school though.
What a lovely photo's.
You hav eseen much pretty things.
Lovely pictures of the kids.
The picture looking down from the tower really gives you an idea of how many people wait in the line for that thing! My co-worker went in May and was telling me about that part....now I can understand! BTW is that a Texas Longhorn hat I see???
Love the pictures and look forward to seeing lots more.
700 stairs... wow!
Welcome home :)
I really enjoyed your pictures!
It has been a long time since I have been there. I hope someday to go there with my husband.
Wow, love the pics!!! 700 steps, can't imagine venturing with a toddler. Congrats!!!
Au contraire, I want more pictures! More!!! I'm living vicariously through your vacation, remember.
Wonderful pictures, it looks like you had an awesome time. I'd love to visit there someday.
Love ds's cap! Texas represented in Paris!!!
Great pics and an awesome vacation! You're living my dream...except for the 700 steps;)
I am so glad that you and your family had so much fun in Paris...good for you...I just dearly love your Photos too of your trip.
Your latest WIP is so cute and so adorable looking...good progress too...I love reading your Blog...
Take care & Happy Stitching
Linda K
Oh wow! Looks like you had an amazing trip so far. I love how Emma poses in all her pictures. She is so cute :o)
Looking forward to seeing more pictures soon.
hello, i m very happy for you're visited the french merveillous town, and i click any where and i m arrived on your blog, very plaisant's blog, and very porr english to me.
later i remember your blog and a comming here
my blog is http://petitemain.over-blog.com
see you under it !!
Great pictures! It was fun to see the same places we saw when we were in Paris in May. :)
What fantastic pictures! Looked pretty exhausting, but fun, fun, fun!
Oh wow! It looks like so much fun. I'm glad you all had a lovely time
Wow! It looks like you all had such a wonderful time there! I keep telling DH its only a days drive there. How's Paris in the winter? ;)
What a great trip!
Glad to hear that you had a good time. What a pity that you haven't included any photographs of yourself. In years to come when the kids reread these blogs, there will be no pictorial memories of you. Just remember all those photos we hate of ourselves now look rather good when we look back at after 5 years.
Thanks for sharing the pictures! The pictures are great. Looks like you had a wonderful trip.
Your photos are lovely! I would love to visit Paris. What a fun trip!
700 marches !!! punaise, vous êtes courageux ! jolies photos en tout cas !
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