I fixed it !!! It looks much better don't think so? I even started to stitch the upper dress !!! I was thinking about stitching the face, arms and legs on one over one but I don't think I will have the energy to do so ... It looks much better on one over one though. Click click to enlarge !!!
and a larger view, just for you ! (click to enlarge if you want to see my beautiful fabric: I don't get tired of it

Our neighbor came back from their vacation in Spain. I had asked them to check if they could buy me some books for Emma. They only found that one: it's a nice one. She can read it with Chuy and they are some activities to do. Still I find it very sad that I can't buy spanish books from here ... And you know what? It's not even me who is going to make Emma study it !!!!

Darn frogs! Your stitching looks great!
Looks beautiful - nice progress!
I love Geronimo Stilton, my son has some 30 of his books. I had no idea that they are in different languages, how cool is that?!
Lovely stitching, have been offline, sorry to hear that the frog has been visiting you too!
Sorry that you had Mr. Froggy at your door. Hope you didn't send him to my way!! It's beautiful. The book looks great. We have many spanish book here in America. Even girls just played with one girl who don't speak English & I felt sorry for the kids on not communicating. Sarah came up to me & said she talk funny. LOL I had to explained her that she speak different language like Dora & Diego. ~ Dawn ~
Those blasted frogs. They move right in don't they. Nice progress once you conquered them.
My granddaughter loves Geronimo. My DH has read them to here and she thinks he is just the coolest.
Wow your progress is great!!!
It looks like a lovely book
She's so lovely and so is that fabric :o)
I wish I could help you in the book department but I can't :o(
So glad you got your stitching counts worked out on this one! It's just lovely. :)
thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog !
I must confess, I had not been around your blog for quite some time, so I've made up for it !
I cannot help you out on Spannish books, but when you need some Dutch ones, just let me know !
My doughter have homeworking book,but is for girls of 6 years, and they are of mathematics, and calligraphy. Next week we are going to buy some stuff to the mall, I will see if there are still books of language activities, : D any news i tell you.
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