I stole that one from Meari who stole it from Megan . It's good it is coming these days as last time, I got 71 visits in one day
( imagine if each one of them will leave a comment
really neat, isn't it? ) and I was thinking: who are these people who stop by and are too shy (or lack time) to comment?
So now, it's your day !!!!!!!! Introduce yourself, let me know who you are
I don't bite ... most of the days
So who reads my blog?

So who reads my blog?
1. As a comment on this post, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! And if we've never met in real life, leave me a comment of your favorite post I wrote and why it was your favorite.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually really funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually really funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
And because it's sunday, you will have a nice treat: a whole picture of my Lanarte (lucky you
) and you can even enlarge it !!!


You may think I'll almost done ... but not ! I have a lot of confetti stitches everywhere. On the green bush, at the end, I didn't even follow the chart with the 6 last stitches
as I couldn't figure out those last symbols ( I colored wrong or I made a mistake ... ) The white bush still need a lot of work as well ...

I am a new blogger, but you are on my blogroll and I have been leaving comments ;) I don't have any "memories" but you do wonderful work and I'll be sure to keep coming back and commenting like I have. Keep up the good stitching! Oh and I hate confetti stitches!!!
HI, I have you in my google reader ,as I would hate to miss your beautiful progress pics.
Hugs Rachael
This piece is gorgeous. Your dedication to it paid off. I've been reading your blog for quite a while now and enjoy your stitching.
I have been reading your blog every day! I have left a couple comments before....I SO love your work! and your children... they are so cute!...and Pierre is on my prayer list too! He is doing well now right?
I've been reading your Blog for awhile now and have been leaving a comment about 90% of the time :o) I just LOVE your sense of humor Chiloe because it compares to my warped one. ROFL!
OMG! Your Lanarte is just FABULOUS! I can't believe it's not almost done.
I usually leave comments; you always make me laugh. It's funny to watch your stats, isn't it? Someone posted links to my blog freebies on a few sites and in June I had 2,318 visitors...OMG!
Ooops, forgot to leave my memory! I remember...all your kids getting mustached!
I don't have a first memory, sorry. You were suddenly just part of my bloglines. :D
I come for a visit regularly and you have always posted progress on your project which I admire. I remember you from that you don't like green and I can't understand why. =)
LOL Well I comment all the time but thought I would for this anyway :) It sounds like fun :) I don't recall if you found my blog or if I found yours but I have read it ever since :) I love your wip's all your finishes and your great sense of humor that comes thru in your posts, I love the way you express yourself in the english language that now always reminds me of you when I see the word. I love the way your love for your kids shines thru in what you say and I would love to meet you in person one day :D *hugs*
You were the first person to ever comment on my blog so will always remeber you and you sent me the great Madame la fee chocolate link
Hello Chiloe, well I always remember that you hate green lol.
I was trolling blogs months ago and came across a picture of Lanarte - way back when you were just starting on the door. You have made a terrific progress on this!
I think our first memory together is "The Quest of finding the Halloween Fairy chart". :) First things I remember about you are the stories about your children. I have you on my blogroll and I come here a few times a week.
I started reading your blog when you were doing those Angels last year. I remember all the pale blues!
Loved reading about Stebs toilet training because I was trying to get Heidi to use the toilet at the same time.
Hi Chiloe! I absolutely love watching your WIPs come to life, and enjoy reading about your life :D
Et bien, je ferai ce commentaire en français. On "trainaît" sur le même forum il y a quelques années maintenant, puis maintenant, on est dans le même bateau à nouveau. J'adore te lire parce que j'aime ton sens de l'humour bien sûr, mais j'adore voir tes avancées, et parfois te charier (comme pour le vert de ton Lanarte d'ailleurs!). Puis, je trouve sur ton blog un petit bout du Texas, autre pays de mon coeur. Voilà, tu sais tout.
Gros bisous et à très bientôt.
la vue d'ensemble de ton ouvrage est magnifique !! tu fais bien de t'accrocher !
Hey there!! I am a lurker and a commentor.
I know if I am looking for a Lanarte design you will be the first I come to, lol
Take Care!!
I honestly can't remember how I discovered you...don't know if I followed a link from someone else's blog or if you commented on my blog and I took a look at your blog...but all I know is that I've been reading your blog for awhile. I like reading about your intense dislike of green...tee hee! :-)
I found your blog when I was looking to purchase the lumpy and friends alphabet and you were stitching it, thanks to you I was able to purchase a copy of the chart and complete it. I read blogs via a blog reader hence the rare commenting
I've been here before and left a message.
I'm a blogger/ amature designer from East Coast Canada.
I like to see your progress pictures. Take care.
I read your blog all the time. My memory of you is..your the one that inspired me to start my own blog. You make it look so easy and fun. Also I remember that you won my 1st giveaway. And I also remember you have that christmas tree to finish..all that green is waiting for you..still. LOL
Your WIP is looking awesome. I can't belive it will be done soon. I can't wait to see it finished.!
Your blog is beautiful!
Chiloe - you were brave and found my blog off my Aunt's stitching blog and you commented on my site. we have been keeping in touch ever since! I love your comments! Keep up the great stitching!
Hi Chiloe. I'm new to cross stitch, and I like to lurk around the blogs checking out the craft. Your blog is one of my favorites. I remember your cute bunny with the umbrella. :)
Okay i remembered you asked me about SW wishlist program.
Also, that one fairy couture you bought off an ebay seller you complained that it did not look anything like the picture LOL.
And of course pictures of your adorable children are always fun to look at. We need to see more pics of you though.
And then that dog poop on your neighbord balcony, who ccan forget that!? haha
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