Emma had wanted to ride a pony for a long long time but the whole thing is expensive and she had a previous experience when she was five years old that ended up with tears. But she grew older and her friend Clemence was taking classes and we went watching her once in a while. Then, we got a good deal from Chuy's company: they offered some cash back on pony and sailing camps. So I told her: Yes, you can go to pony camp: one full week of pony fun !!!!
Last night was a different story though ... It all started with a tummy ache. "mooooooooommy, my tummy ache " That's nothing Emma, I replied, you may want to go to the bathroom?" She went and came back crying. "Why are you crying Emma? " "I'm afraid I'm going to throw up !!!!" she said sobbing. [ my daughter has a little phobia with vomiting - we tried to pretend this does not exist but it does ...
] That's when I got smart and used what I learnt from studying psychology for years through women magazines
: "Emma, you are scared for tomorrow, aren't you? " A little yes came out of her mouth. So I had to go back to basics : "Emma, you were born in Texas and when a child is born there, he becomes an instant cow boy
: it runs in their blood.
And don't forget Emma, you're half mexican: that's mean you could even master a donkey ! Ok, you are also half french and french do eat horse meat
, but let's not little details come our way. Inside you, there is a real
! I hugged my
and told her it will be okay because we can't get a refund so she will have to get on that pony one way or another
Just kidding ladies
And I'm happy to report that the
did love her day and rode the pony three times! She had fun and is ready for tomorrow

Last night was a different story though ... It all started with a tummy ache. "mooooooooommy, my tummy ache " That's nothing Emma, I replied, you may want to go to the bathroom?" She went and came back crying. "Why are you crying Emma? " "I'm afraid I'm going to throw up !!!!" she said sobbing. [ my daughter has a little phobia with vomiting - we tried to pretend this does not exist but it does ...

Enough pony talk ladies! It's time to get your
out of your stitching closet. Lately with me, it doesn't have time to get dusty (less cleaning for you
) Yep, I followed most of your advice and didn't stitch the word NOEL
Yep, I was a little lazy on that one ...
Chuy suggested I stitch NAVIDAD then FELIZ NAVIDAD
You understood he is NOT a stitcher right?
Pictures time:

Here you may have a glimpse at the opalescent ( click to enlarge.)
Now, I really want to start a new project but I live with Miss No Fun at home. I asked Emma: "do you think I should start a new project or finish the Lanarte?" She looked at me with a little sorry look on her face and said " the Lanarte!" If kids start to be reasonable, where do we go ...........
Hooray for cowgirls! :D Yay, Emma!!!
I'm glad emma ejoyed her pony riding. Your finish is stunning!
Yes, i agree with your daughter - get back to that Lanarte! lol
Poor Emma being scared. I'm glad she got up the nerve to try riding the pony. I'm sure after the week is up she'll miss her time with the pony.
Congrats on your finish!
Yay for Emma! Congratulations on your finish! It looks gorgeous!.... but ignore police lady Emma... start a new one if you want :) Its supposed to be fun :D
You should come live with me Chiloe!
You know I'd have been all "Start something new!!!"
I would have even taken you shopping for a fat man to put it on.
Congratulations on yet another beautiful finish.
Emma sounds like she had fun :) Glad she got over her fear of ponies.
Beautiful finish!!
Nice Santa finish!
I did a week of horse camp as a Girl Scout many moons ago and I remember I was pretty nervous before I went. Once I got there, I was in heaven. I was a horse-crazy little girl, and being able to REALLY ride a horse and learn how to tack up and everything was wonderful. I didn't even mind cleaning stalls (still don't...it's a form of therapy!).
Congratulations on your Santa finish Chiloe! It looks fantastic!
Oh good... I'm glad Emma got over her anxiety and enjoyed pony camp. What a wonderful week for her!!
Santa looks FANTASTIC... I hadn't realized you were using an opal until the close-up...very pretty.
Congrats on your HD its adorable!!!
Pobr Emma , entiendo perfectamente su fobia al vomito...yo tengo 30 y tengo esa fobia desde niña :S, asi me sienta muy muy mal trato en lo posible de evitar vomitar :S
Pero me alegro que hayas logrado convencerla de montarse en ese pony y que lo haya disfrutado :)
Papa Noel con los niños te quedo muy bonito...felicidades!!!
ton ouvrage est superbe !!!
bon courage pour le lanarte... mais il va être très beau une fois fini.. ça te motive non ??
yay to emma glad she had a nice time in the end and she has the rest of the week to have loads of fun now :) well done you also on the hd!
Congratulation! Awsome stitching! Didn't you start anything during this one? lol =)
Your finish looks great! I think that a finish deserves a reward...like starting something new, but I see that you have more self discipline than I do, ha ha.
: )
Loved the pony story, you are a great mom! Glad she had a good time. I get nervous like that sometimes too to try something new, even as an adult.
ROFLMAO! Chiloe, I LOVE reading your posts with all the cute little icons :o)
I'm glad that Emma did go to pony camp. I'm a horsy girl myself and it started waaaaaaaaaaaay back. Girls and their horses :o)
CONGRATS! What a lovely finish and I can really see the opal fabric in those pictures :o)
I agree with Emma, back to the Lanarte! You must almost be done?
Congratulations on the finish, it is fantastic.
Catching up on your blog after missing reading for a while and I'm so glad that Steb did not have to go to the hospital.
WOW! Chiloe, I *love* it. It turned out great. You rock, girl!
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