Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday progress

Still making good progress :

Now that I scanned most of my stash, I realized that I have to get the right fabric for each kit I plan to stitch. The Lanarte kits usually come with an evenweave fabric but like I buy most of my kits used, I sometimes have some with aida fabric. And if you checked my stash, you now understand why it it so hard to choose my future project when I'm close to finish something. With all I have, I should be in some kind of wagon and of course, I'm not close to jump in any of them

Chuy wants me to stitch this one:

That's when I go back to the fabric issue. I need to get fabrics with a particular project on mind because even though I would love to stitch that one, I don't have the right fabric right now: one that have a vintage look (like a real treasure map )

Today I started a new blog :
http://x-stitchgallery.blogspot.com/ If you like to look at other's stitchers work, then you will enjoy checking the links I found. I've barely started today and will keep adding them. If you know great galleries that are not on the blog, give me the links and I will add them to the list. Thanks and enjoy the visit. I always find it inspiring to look at other's stitchers work and of course, I often add some projects in my wish list .


Pumpkin said...

Oh, that's a nice one! I agree, a nice vintage piece of fabric would look super with this one :o)

I looked at that link earlier but there was nothing there. LOL! I guess I will have to check again :o)

Petra said...

WOW your WIP is coming along quick! Nice stitching!

Windy said...

Geez how can you have time for another blog! I can't even keep up with my first one!

stitcherw said...

This is flying along, great progress. The old west design is very cute too, I can see why Chuy would want you to stitch it. Hopefully you find some fabric that goes with it soon.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Your WIP is coming along in leaps and bounds!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by for the first time, very nice stitching. Your new blog looks wonderful, what a great idea! ...and a huge undertaking!

Anonymous said...

That new pattern looks really interesting. I agree you need a nice vintage feel fabric to stitch it on.

love the new blog idea. Going over to check it out now.

Meari said...

Wow, Chiloe... Your Santa is coming along great. :)

Carla said...

Va quedando muy bonito!
El nuevo blog que has creado me parece una idea estupenda...ire a ver los links en este momento :)