I'm happy to report that the balcony of my neighbor did remain clean !!! I think he got rid of the dog which is a good thing for everybody 

Pierre is now enjoying his summer class! There are only 2 students so it's great. And honestly, it's only from 9 to 12: why would he complain?

Something funny happened at the store today: the cashier asked me if Esteban and Emma were brother and sister. She said they don't look alike at all (Emma is very tanned thanks to her mexican blood and Steb is very white thanks to my polish roots.) It's not the first time people have asked me that though ... Girls love being tanned so I'm happy she got this carnation. I have a very fair skin so I transform into a cooked lobster if I stay in the sun

Your Robin is so cute and he looks so real too...I just love him....You are doing a good job in stitching this...keep it up....
Take care & Happy Stitching
The robin is looking very chirpy! Way to go!
Your little Robin is adorable!!
Chiloe your bird is adorable. I wasn't able to get your e-mail addy to work! thd_chick at hotmail dot com
Well, you can take some credit for the blue eyes. Blue eyes is a recessive genetic trait, meaning both parents have to carry the genetics for the blue eyes. Otherwise, the brown will dominate.
Hes very sweet.
So glad that your neighbor's dog seems to be gone. And great job with the bird! And it's good that Pierre is enjoying summer school.
You asked when our kids' holiday starts - not till nearly the end of this month. It's a 6 week break and they'll begin in early September.
I've been asked many times if Rowen and Nicky are related. It's weird.
Your kids are gorgeous, but they do look different. People often think that Joshua is adopted, since Evie looks a little more like me than he does. Joshua definitely shows more of the Filipino traits. It will be interesting to see who this baby looks like. People keep saying that since Josh looks like Rob, and Eve looks like me, this one will be a mish-mosh of everyone! We'll see. Rob was definitely sorry to find out that it would be genetically impossible for our kids to have blue eyes (my eyes are blue, but he obviously doesn't have that gene!). Our grandkids could possibly have black hair and blue eyes, though, wouldn't that be amazing?
Your robin is so cute!
I'm glad to read your neighbor's dog seems to be gone.....but....I live in an apartment and I have a cat (Morgana). I love her so much. If I should get rid of her I would cry. Of course I keep all clean
The robin is so cute!
I know what you mean about people and their preconceived notions on ethnicity and coloring. I have known many, many blond blue-eyed Mexican people over the years. I had one girl in my class a few years ago who was extremely blond and blue-eyed, and her mom (from Mexico)had more 'typical' brown-eyed, olive skin Latina coloring. Her dad was green eyed and fair, but not as fair as the little girl I taught. The mom used to have her kid's pre-school teachers thinking she was the hired help--the nanny. She had to CONVINCE them she was the mom. Go figure.
Ooooo, that is a pretty bird!
I love the birdie! I can't believe someone would be brave enough or rude enough in this day and age to make a comment like that. With so many adoptions and blended families I would think it to be much more appropriate to say something like "both of your children look so different and are both so beautiful".
Oh Yeah I also wanted to add that my husbands last name is polish (Ciucki) what was yours?
lovely stitching, the robin is so cute!
Your robin is adorable!
My girls often get mistaken for twins they look so alike. But my nephews are like your Emma and Steb, M is blond with blue eyes and very fair skin and his brother N is dark with brown eyes and tanned skin.
I wish I was tanned like Emma, my skin also turns into lobster red when I'm out in the sun.
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