Foundation -
I wish but my skin is always dry so I don't use any ...
Don't use any either ...
Day Cream -
Yep, when I have time to think about it !!!!
Favourite Make-up Product-
A good guacamole? (with tortilla chips)
Tresor by Lancome (sometimes ... )
Not too short, not too long; otherwise my hands looks like little sausages
A must for every cross stitchers
Feet -
If only my husbands will be willing to give me foot massages ... for free ...
3 Products to bring on a deserted island -
A satellite phone (to order pizzas), matches and my cross stitch bag.
Women I admire for their beauty -
Angelina Jolie because she keeps making babies and having kids (thanks god, she has the money to not become insane and stay cute
Women with the best sense of style -
Not me
My ultimate dream -
I'd like to eat heathlier, be happier and if I can be thinner, that would be great !!!
How do I define womanhood -
Hard to say ... Being who we are supposed to be and not what society makes us ...
Favourite fashion publication -
I don't read fashion magazines ( see question about sense of style ...)
Now tagging time !!!!
I'm going to tag Missy, Dani, Tammy, Andie, Dawn, Carla, Velda (have you done that one yet? ) Pumkin, Veronica, Meari, Angelsan, Krendra and Cathy !!! Let's see what you have to say
I wish but my skin is always dry so I don't use any ...
Don't use any either ...
Day Cream -
Yep, when I have time to think about it !!!!
Favourite Make-up Product-
A good guacamole? (with tortilla chips)

Tresor by Lancome (sometimes ... )
Not too short, not too long; otherwise my hands looks like little sausages

A must for every cross stitchers

Feet -
If only my husbands will be willing to give me foot massages ... for free ...
3 Products to bring on a deserted island -
A satellite phone (to order pizzas), matches and my cross stitch bag.
Women I admire for their beauty -
Angelina Jolie because she keeps making babies and having kids (thanks god, she has the money to not become insane and stay cute

Women with the best sense of style -
Not me

My ultimate dream -
I'd like to eat heathlier, be happier and if I can be thinner, that would be great !!!
How do I define womanhood -
Hard to say ... Being who we are supposed to be and not what society makes us ...
Favourite fashion publication -
I don't read fashion magazines ( see question about sense of style ...)
Now tagging time !!!!

Today I got a phone call from the school telling me Emma has been sick with a strong headache and was crying. Of course, I worried right away as a student got sick with meningitis last week ( not the contagious one though) So I took her right away to our family doctor for a check up. Turned out she just got a virus but I feel better knowing the doctor checked her

Thanks for the tag. I've added the meme to my blog. :)
Fun meme.
I hope Emma feels better soon! Meningitis is really scary; I'm glad she just has an everyday virus!
uy si que me lo pusiste dificil...yo casi nunca uso maquillaje y uso lo primero que encuentro jejeje . A ver si lo pienso un poco y el fin de semana lo resuelvo :) . Yo tampoco se como se dice "tagged" en español :P
Espero que Emma se sienta mejor pronto!
I hope Emma feels better soon, hugs
Hope Emma feels better now. You are brave to go outside without mascara on! I always have underwear, a bra, & mascara no matter where I go. People are so much more beautiful without it though!
Sorry it took me a few days to get back to you...I'll get this answered sometime this week. :-)
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