I don't know why the Old West picture comes and goes ... I took it from their web site, maybe they have a problem ... I scaned it anyway so here it is:
At last, I stitched last night and here is my little progress:
As you can see, I'm still working on the right side of the design. I try to work color by color to avoir boredom ...
I'm a little disapointed the designers of Sisters and Best friends don't add the DMC numbers because not everybody can afford speciality threads ...
Pierre and Emma went to spend the afternoon and the night at their grand parents' house. Steb is with us and a little bored ... After his bath he was trying to get our attention by playing the equilibrist on the couch. I think I have the stubbornest (correct?) boy in the world ... This afternoon, I changed his pants because I didn't want him to mess with his brand new pants. What did he do? He took it out right away

Talking about Steb, did I tell you he will need to have his ears cleaned? He says a lot of "what ?" when we talk to him. The day care pediatrician couldn't even see his eardrums. I have an appointment next wednesday but before I need to put drops everyday 2 to 3 times a day to soften the earwax. Have you ever tried to put drops in a 3 years old? Not easy ladies because he needs to stay still during 10 minutes for the drops to stay in ... Yeah right ... If he stays 3 mintutes laying on his sides, it's a victory !!!
Have you bought your father's day gift? I finally bought what Chuy should have gotten for his birthday back in october: an electric shaver

Have a good week end and thanks for reading me

I have to agree about those designers who don't put conversions on their charts. I can't afford a lot of hand dyes or silks either so I like using DMC. Sometimes I try to convert myself but it's not always good!
Your Lanarte is looking good.
There are lots of conversion charts on the internet. This is my favorite one:
Although it is meant to convert DMC to Vickie Clayton Silks, you can convert anything to anything. No, no color conversions will be "perfect", but with the new DMC Variation Threads, there are a lot more ways to convert a specialty thread to a DMC thread. The best way to convert is to use a chart, but don't stop there. Then do a Floss Toss with the fabric and make sure that ALL the colors blend in a way that you like. It's your piece. Do it to suit you, even if it is not On The Chart!
I'm not sure if my e-mails are going to spam or not but I sent you an invoice for $5.00, I will be mailing on Monday.
Your stitching progress is looking great.
Poor Steb having to staying still for 10 minutes and poor Chiloe for having to try and get the ear drops in. My girls fight me the whole way on things like that. I do not envy you at all.
*hugs* I love reading your blog! You always brighten my day :) I too wish designers would put DMC alternatives
Glad to see you got links to conversions for the floss issue.
As for electric shavers, I've been trying to talk Niek into one for years, assuming he'd actually shave every day if he had one, but he refuses. :(
Chiloe, there is a link to email me on my blog. Send me an email and I'll match the overdyed threads to DMC for Summer Joy.
Putting drops in babies ears is no fun! I hope all goes well.
Your current stitching looks great!
I'm sorry to hear Steb is having problems with his ears.:( Has he ever had to have his ears cleaned out before? I hope it all goes well! (((HUGS)))
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