As you can see, everybody was as excited He also got a new belt (okay, he needed one too. Am I the only one who takes advantage of special occasion to buy stuffs people really need?
) Chuy was happy !!! He can: my gifts are much better than the diploma he got me for mother's day ...
I try to progress on my Lanarte but let me tell you I'm getting really tired of changing my threads so often ... I'm still working on the roof and I'm still far from being close to finish it. And you know, when the stitcher is tired of one design , she starts to look around with startitis itching at the end of her fingers 8 stitches of one symbols and 8 of another one ... You know what I mean right
I know I could give up and start something new but I already feel guilty for my christmas tree ...
so I stick with my Lanarte ...
Thanks for the links for the threads conversions !!! Daffycat, I'm going to contact you.
Ok, back to my Lanarte Yes, I'm being dramatic tonight
It's for you to feel sorry for me
See you tomorrow for more progress picture (I'm trying to make you come back tomorrow !!!) Seems like I got my blogging mojo back
Glad I'm not the only one who likes to buy practical gifts. At least I know they will be used on a regular basis.
I know what you mean about changing threads all the time. It drives me crazy.
I agree on changing threads; it's a pain! My Peacock Tapestry is that way and it gets old some days!
I'll be happy to help out on Joy...maybe we can do a SAL on that one?
Love the father's day pic... hope Chuy had a great father's day.
I think your Lanarte looks fantastic... keep at it!!
That is a gorgeous photo of your family. I too am guilty of buying practical gifts. I always bought my nieces and nephews clothes for birthdays and Christmas, until I met DH and he convinced me that toys are much more fun, now they get toys!!!
Your Lanarte is looking gorgeous already.
I do appreciate a clean-shaven man! ;)
A lovely picture of a proud daddy and his babies.
Oh do not give up on the Lanarte it is beautiful and we who watch see such progress even if you who stitch do not.
et il a pas le sombrero non plus ! eheh
je t'ai taguée sur mon blog
I too use these holidays to get stuff people need. However Ryan wanted to go golfing this year with his Dad so that's what he got. If not - it probably would have been BBQ equipment or something. Summer necessities. Looks like it was a great day for all. I do not know why so many Mexicans have mustaches - machismo or something I guess.
I'm glad you got your Blogging mojo back ;o)
It looks like DH had an awesome Father's Day! The children look pretty happy :o)
Oh, I know what you mean about wanting to stitch something else. I'm still plugging away on Stargazer though because I'm almost at the end. You must be close too. Keep going!
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