Where were you 10 years ago? June 1998... I was in France and was ready to go back to Texas !!!
Five things on your to do list for today - 1. send my resumes to find a job ... 2. finish to clean up my stitching cabinet (and see what I could sell) 3. do the kids' homeworks ( I hate that but the kids are not in vacations...) 4. organize the appartment (an on going project ...) . 5. exercise ...

If I were a billionaire - That's why I wanted to do this meme and I'm sure you're going to love it !!! If I was rich, I will organize a cruise with all my on line stitching and non stitching friends and their family from all over the world. We could stitch in the morning and enjoy great time with our families in the afternoon, visiting great locations !!! A SPA will be the must because we all deserve to be pampered, right?

Places I’ve lived - Normandy, FRANCE. Santa Fe, New Mexico USA. Nochitslan, Zacatecas state, MEXICO. Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
I got great mail today: first I got a letter from Becca with the chart I won on her blog. It's a Tatty Teddy chart. I love this little character and I'm very lucky because it's about christmas !!! Can't wait to stitch this one when I'll be finish with my Lanarte !!!! Becca even added a little band to stitch the whole chart as an advent calendar. Thanks a lot Becca: I'm very happy with my chart !

I signed for a new FOTM by Silkweaver: 2 solos 13 x 18 a month (it's my wish list). I don't have a lot of 13 x 18 so it's a great way to get more stash with unique colors. (and not having to virtually fight with a lot of ladies on line when they add their solos)

Click to enlarge !
Steb is sick: he threw out last night and had temperature ( 39.8 C or almost 104 F) He is staying with me today and tomorrow. He seems a little better so I'll wait before to go to the doctor. Me, I'm a little tired because it's getting hard to fall asleep only at one or two in the morning Who said I'm getting old?

Your Lanarte is looking great, bon courage :) I hope that Steb will be better soon!
Your Lanarte looks really great, even though it's a thorn in your side. Congrats on your win and I love your cruise idea. (Can I be invited? LOL)
P.S. There was NO blue carpet in my backyard. LOL
Too bad about the sickness. Seems like everyone is sick right now. Seems so late in the season for sickness too. I hope you don't catch it. If I were a billionaire I would do the same. Not only for fun but so i could finally put a face to a name. He He!
superbes tes toiles !!! à voir si j'en reçois une semblable demain ???
allez, courage pour ton lanarte, il est superbe !!
I'd love to go on that cruise with you :).
Once again your stitching progress is amazing.
I love Tatty Ted designs but the back stitch drives me crazy.
Hope Steb gets better soon and you both get some sleep.
Thanks for your sweet comments about Frederick. You are so right - these Dimension patterns are a pain.
Your Lanarte is gorgeous but certainly can't be any easier.
Great Father's Day picture!
Hope Steb feels better soon and you can get some sleep.
I hope Steb is feeling better!
Lovely FOTM colours and I love your plans for being a billionaire!!
Hope you get more sleep tonight :)
Oh, I love Tatty Teddy too :o) I think I have that pattern...somewhere... LOL!
Good for you! What a great way to increase your fabrics. I was just telling the girls that I have WAY too much. I think I'm going on a diet :o(
Your Lanarte is looking gorgeous Chiloe!!!! What a beautiful piece.
Congratulations on winning the chart. Tatty Teddy is cute and fun to stitch, as long as you don't mind backstitches ^.^
Your Lanarte looks more and more beautiful each day. It looks almost completed already. How much more do you have to stitch?
Beautiful fabrics, by the way. I love Silkweaver :)
Hope Steb gets well soon. Take care!
Your Lanarte is looking great, I hope that Steb gets better soon, and that you get more sleep.
I'd love to join the solo's fabric thing. I never have any fabric to stitch on. I've got plunty of charts, never any fabric. LOL
Glad you liked the Tatty teddy chart. I've had it in my stash for a while now. Hope it didn't smell too bad of smoke, I tried to air it out for you.
Your progress is looking great. Don't give up. What ever happen to the christmas tree chart you were stitching? I haven't seen it for a while.
Poor Seb! Get well wishes from our house to yours!
Love your new Solos!
And what a super idea for how to spend your money if you win the lottery! LOL!!!
Il y a quelques jours que je n'étais pas passée, je suis impressionnée par ton avancée.
Tu as beaucoup d e projets pour les mois à venir.
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