Have you noticed I have a new ticker? Yes, we're going to go to Germany from the 21 st of december to the 28th ! We're going to stay at the marine's base in Stuttgart with Chuy's niece and her family. I'm fine with that trip because they now have a high speed train now. It will take us 3 hours 40 minutes from Paris to Stuttgart. Before, we would have had to take an overnight train which could have been a nightmare with a 2 years old
It's not going to be my first christmas
in another country because I spent one christmas in Mexico and many in Texas but it's going to be my first in another european country (can we say an american base is still german?
) It's going to be my first vacation in 14 years !
During this time I lived in different countries but I've never been in vacations ... It's also nice for the kids to spend time with their cousin and little cousins. I also hope they will improve their communication skills: no more french but only english and spanish for a whole week.

The meeting with the teachers went okay. As expected Emma is doing great, still in the lead

I bet you can't wait until your trip to Germany! It'll be wonderful:)
Love your prgress on the rose. You certainly don't bore me with your posts {{{{hugs}}}}
que bueno que se vayan de vacaciones a Alemania...seguro la pasan muy bien!
Muy buen progreso en tu WIP!
ah y tus post no son aburridos...en realidad son muy entretenidos de leer y es bueno ver el progreso en tus trabajos :)
WOW!!! Your vacation sounds like it will be amazing. Me, who has only ever travelled 3 places - New Brunswick (Canada) and Florida and New York (USA), so I'm a little green with envy.
Glad to hear the kids are doing well in school! Good for Pierre in asking for help. It is a challenge for kids to ask for help sometimes.
Your posts are fun and I look forward to your updates. They don't bore me at all.
Oh, I'm so excited for you and your upcoming vacation! I hope it's MAGICAL!!
bravo ça prend forme ! ^^
That will be a lovely vacation - and over Christmas too. Lovely.
Great work on the vase, stitching white can be so tedious.
I'm glad you are getting a vacation. I'm envious of your high speed trains, that would be too cool.
Your progress is moving so fast on this one and its really lovely
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