I got my answer from HP yesterday. The guy gave the procedure I need to follow to fix my scanner problem
: boy, I think I need to go back to the university to do a master in computer science
I guess for someone who knows something about computers, it's very clear but for me: it's like chinese
I'll do that when I'll be alone and not busy. I have to download something on my local disc ... well, where is my local disc???
Alot of fun in the making as you can see
But I have my own technician to follow my progress (poor guy, if only he knew how dumb I can be with computers, he will quit his job right away

LOL Your local disc is your computer's hard drive, usually called C drive.
Your teddy is really cute. I'm not sure about the sun. I'll let you make that decision :o)
I came to say what little grey cat did :p
Your bear is looking great :)
Vaya que rapidez la tuya!! Yo creo que el sol deberia ir un poco mas arriba me parece que esta muy pegado al oso.
Wow!! i love it too! How so very cute!
Too cute! I think you could get away with the sun a little higher, if you don't like it, then just go with the chart!
Sorry to hear about your poot problems - hope its all sorted soon.
Such a cute little bear. I just want to give him a cuddle.
Good luck with the scanner.
Your bead looks so cute!
How'd you get all those smilies in your post?
Oi querida,
Passei para avisar que tenho um mimo para voce no meu blog. Quando puder passe la e pegue.
Hi dear, I passed to inform that I have one mimo for you in mine blog. When will be able pass and catches. Kisses.
Oh he is just so cute. I wouldnt bother with water if it was me. He is lovely just the way he is.
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