Monday, October 15, 2007

Good sunday .

Yesterday was a good day: we went to the restaurant to celebrate Pierre's birthady and Chuy did have buffalo He said it was really good and taste like a regular steak. The restaurant has a texan look. We'll go back there with Chuy one day (without the kids ) Talking about the kids, they behaved so well that an old man complimented us on how well they behaved !!! Of course, we didn't do anything special Everybody was happy and hungry : so everybody was quiet and eating Here are some pictures at my mom's where Pierre opened his gifts. (by the way, he tried to trick me this morning: he wanted to bring the Nintendo DS at his grand ma's , not for him to use it No, no, it was for Emma Yeah right )

At the end of the day, Esteban who didn't nap , was so tired that he fell asleep on his chair :

And this is an unauthorized photo Emma took of her new Pet shop (she didn't ask if she could use my digital camera)

Talking about Emma, look at what she did in her bedroom:

She made RULES ! You can read: don't jump on my bed, don't say bad words in my bed And the best one: don't steal my teeth She wants to make sure the tooth fairy will come and have something to take away And she made her brother signed !!! Too cute


Sally said...

I love the rules Emma made! LOL! She's a smart girl:)

I'm pleased you all enjoyed your meal out for Pierre's birthday. He looks very happy in the photos:) And bless little Esteban!

Carla said...

jajaja pobre Pierre se le van a hacer interminables los dias en que no pueda jugar con su regalo de cumpleaños.
Pobre Esteban estaba exhausto!
Y que lista que es Emma al hacer sus reglas :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like Pierre had a great birthday. Is that an ice cream cookie cake? Very original.

Marita said...

Love the birthday pictures. Chuy was brave to try the buffalo.

Emma is going to go far when she grows up, those rules are fantastic.