Today, after uploading some pictures on my webshots photo album, I was wondering why some people downloaded like 12 pictures of my Pansy and Sweet Pea Work in Progress ...
What do they do with them? Do they add them to their photo album and show my work as theirs? Do they try to make their own chart based on my WIP?
This is a real mystery ...

I'm also wondering how people can raise little brat and be proud of them. Emma takes a tennis class every wednesdays and there is a little girl who's been a brat since day one. ( for an adult we would have used another word

Emma got her new violin today: she grew and needed the next violin size. It's a brand new violin ( we rent it at the music school) and the sound is much better ( thanks god !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now if you are wondering if I made some progress on my stitching ( even though I totally rocked again at bejeweled Blitz

yes I did progress on my easy to stitch Lanarte !!! The last bird house is almost done and I'm going to continue with the frame which has three birds, a nest and some flowers. I don't think I'm going to stitch the name Marjolein Bastin under the bird houses: after all, she didn't stitch it !!!
Just kidding !!!

Have a happy stitching day ( or evening ) !!!

it is a mystery, I understand that people download images of work completed, but progress? I do not understand ...
children grow so fast!
that nice box of bird houses, very beautiful.
I don't know how you stitch so fast, especially with 3 children.
Read my Tuesday post please.
Congratulations to Emma on growing enough for a new violin! :D
That's the questionm who raise brats!!! When they grow up than........
Cogratz Emma with your new violin, rock the world with it.
Wow, what a progress, it looks so cute!!!
Lovely progress!
As for people downloading... maybe it's by accident? Does seem weird.
I think the downloading is when they enlarge the picture, which only your friends on your list can do that, I am not 100% sure.
That is also why I always put my initial on all my finished works.
I hate brats, that is why I sent my DD to another gym class as the other one (near to us), the new trainer has a 4 year old DD who loves to tell other kids what to do. I told DD to tell her 'do not tell me what to do!'
Your Lanarte wip is absolutely stunning. To be honest, I will leave out MB's name too :0))
BH looks great! Congrats on the new violin sound!
Hi Chiloe, beautiful progress on your birdhouse! I love the one on the right. As for the picture downloading, I really don't mind they downloading my picture just for their own references, but I do mind they use it for commercial use. :) Have a happy stitching day to you too!
12? Wow, they must be up to no good!
If it weren't anything bad, why wouldn't they ask your permission to copy? Can you start putting a watermark on your pics?
Too funny about your daughter playing her violin behind your ear...but nice she got a new and bigger one. Some day we may be paying to hear her play;)
Great progress on your birdies!!!! and you kicked my butt AGAIN in Bejeweled! AWESOME GIRL!!
You are too funny :o)
Wow! Looks like you've been stitching up a storm!
Interesting tidbit about people downloading your WIP photos. I'd have to wonder, too.
Never ceases to amaze me the rudeness of kids, and parents not thinking anything of it. Ah yes, we have that discussion at work quite often.
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