when I don't know if we should "celebrate" that date or not. Six years ago today, our world was turned upside down: Pierre was at the hospital with leukemia. I wrote about it last year: the story of a boy . You can click on the story of a boy if you are not familiar with his story. He finished his treatment in febuary 2006. It still feel like it was yesterday. I still get scared from time to time, especially if he gets weird bruises on his body or if he's more tired than usually. I do try rationality to explain why he's feeling tired or why he has bruises but my brain is not very friend with reationality. My brain best friend is fear and it's hard to control fear ... very hard. That's a date I can't forget and like he got sick during a holiday, it's even easier to remember ... but I don't need a special date to remember don't I ?
Even though he's fine now, he still struggles at school. This year, we also " celebrate" 10 years of speech therapy. Imagine 10 years ! I never imagined he will still go to speech therapy at 13 years old. He just finished some testing with the neuro psychologist in order to see if there are any progress with the therapy. It will take a while to get the results but she said she already saw some progress which is positive.

I am having lots of fun stitching my Lanarte !!! Why am I feeling I am making so much progress with it while I was stitching so slow on the banner?
I don't know what to see... I just read The story of a boy.. What a years you had, I hope it wil never come back again...Enjoy the happy years that will come..
Great progress on the Lanarte, love to see more of it..
(((HUGS!))) He's a wonderful boy and very lucky to have you for his mother!
Some fears are hard to let go...especially when you're a parent. ((HUGS)) What a handsome boy he is - glad he's doing better.
Stitching looks great!
Ya know Chiloe after loosing my Brother in Law to Leukemia...well your sweet boy just pulls my heart strings. :)...Look what a handsome young man he is becoming.
Hooray for Pierre! I'm thankful for another healthy year too.
The birdhouse looks wonderful! You must like this one a lot!
Hugs to you Chiloe.
The reason for your fast progress must be the birdie!!
You and your lovely family are in my thoughts, just enjoy your boy. Congratulations on finishing your banner, your Halloween party looked like fun.
tough times, always remember, but fortunately Pierre is today, while it is natural to have that fear in mind.
your embroidery, as always, is very pretty.
I'm so happy for your little boy that he has had another healthy year.
I love your progress on the Lanarte piece. It's right after my taste.
{{Hugs}} Pierre is now a handsome healthy boy. :) The birdhouse looks pretty!
Yay for Pierre! I'm so happy for you & your family. You're truly blessing! Your project is coming along nicely. ~ Dawn ~
It must have been so hard to hear your child is sick. I am really happy that he is now ok and I wish him healthy years for the rest of his life. And strenght to you trying to keep the fear away. *hugs*
Your Lanarte looks great! The little birdie helps you stitch so fast. :)
That is such a huge anniversary of Pierre and your whole family.
I hope he has a long and healthy life and your fears ease with the passing of years.
I'm doing a Happy Dance for Pierre because six years is a long time and he's come so far! I know the fear will always be there. I've been there and I know. It can become less vivid but it will always be there. Try to think about the positive things now and enjoy each day that you see your son happy and healthy :o)
chiloe...i remember reading this last year. Like your son you are a fighter too. I cannot imagine how a mom will be at the time of such a crisis....((hugs)) chiloe...hope and pray that your fear eases as time goes...
Lanarte progress looks awesome....missed visiting your blog while i was travelling
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