Of course, we decorated the house. Chuy put a bucket next to the bulb in order to have an orange atmosphere to the livivng room. I don't have lots of decorations to display but it was nice anyway.

We found the two garlands the morning of the party and Chuy put a giant spider web in the entrance .

A good friend greeted the guests:

We installed a new ring ( excuse the spider web - the maid had a week off! )

And we decorated the outside as well: I made the girls inflate the balloons . Our neighbors must have thought we are crazy but it was fun !!!
Then it was time to carve the pumpkin and I made my slaves the girls do it. As you can see on Emma's face: she enjoyed every minute of it !!!
Her friend on the other end loved it !

Have you ever seen some bunny ears on a pumpkin?

Then I couldn't resist taking some pictures of my cuties outside:

And our guest arrived: we didn't mean to do it but all the costumes were a nice mix of black and orange. They were all very cute.

My friend did get a costume for herself and I took a picture of them on my stairs:

Then my neighbor ( you know the one who has a nice girlfriend ...
) was leaving and the kids rushed to his door to grab some candies:

Esteban did his own make-up: too cute !!! 

We finally went trick or treating and the kids were very, I mean VERY excited !

I think I didn't feed those kids enough during snack time because they were so desesperate to have some candies ...
We did get some odd stuffs: an old lady gave some coins (not enough for the 9 kids though) and a Hello kitty key chain ...

And a last picture with nine almost exhausted likds (why almost? because minutes later they were dancing in my living room ...

And don't forget today is your last day to enter the giveaway !!!

Photos are great - looks like you all had a fab time.
Great photos! Looks like the kiddos had a blast.
ROFL! What great pictures :o)
How fun is that? It looks like you threw a wonderful party!
Love your decorations. Your kids are adorable. Love their costumes. Look like everyone had fun. Hope you had good night sleep. LOL ~ Dawn ~
You look like you have had a wonderful Halloween! Love the door knocker and the decorations. Having a bloggyday giveaway if you want to stop by!
Looks like a wonderful party!!! The decorations look great! All the kiddos looks so cool!!
Wow, amazing photos!!! Seems to have been great fun. I am totally amazed how you manage to get a picture of every single moment :) Great going!!!
Looks like the kids are having great fun! Your youngest son is cute with his costume. Nice decorations and I love your new ring! :)
You are SO GREAT! What a fantastic party to celebrate Halloween! The kids look like they had a wonderful time. :D Are you the witch in the last picture??
That looks like a fun Halloween for the kids. Love the picture of your house. It looks so bright and cheery compared to the others.
Seems like a great fun party. These pictures are great!
It looks like a great day...
I hope that wen Noah is older we can celebrate it to, I like Halloween, or i like the decoration!!!!
nice photos! all look so happy. fun time!.
Looks like you threw a great party. The kids looked like they enjoyed themselves.
Halloween chez toi me donne envie de participer à la fête.
En général ça ne m'attire pas mias là ça avait l'air vraiment sympa.
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