Thanks again for your kind words for my SIL. She's going to see a neurologist tomorrow I think. First, they found a kyst in her back and they found it could be the cause of her lack of strenght but then they made more tests and found out the kyst is likely not responsible for her problems .... We still don't know if she got tested for MS ... Each time, Chuy speak with a family member, he gets differents opionions ... but what pisses him a lot is that they all say "don't worry about it! " How can he not worry about someone he cares a lot ???
Thanks also for understanding my irrational fears about Pierre. Your support means a lot to me. You know I don't really talk about it with people around me ...
Saturday morning, we went to a sport event where kids can try out different sports. Of course, Pierre was NOT willing to try anything ... even though he says he wants to play hand ball this year in a club. Steb, on the other hand, did try different sports and he especially loved tennis.

So sunday, we went for the free ride. Emma tried to get one but like they already know her, they told her she was not allowed to get one but she could hold steb poney! She was very happy !!!
Here are some pics:

I now remember to use my camera to take a video (and you don't have to look at it upside down this time !!!
) He's really enjoying his ride !!! 

Wanna see Pansy? Yep, she has some legs !
And look: seems like someone got smart today:

of course , you main to say you did not do that ?? how un-neighbourly !
lol !
The legs look *maaavelous*!!! Too funny about the neighbor. I loved horse rides too!
OMG, I tell 'dont worry...' to my brother often about my parents' health. Since my brother is far, with my 'dont worry' i kind of mean there is no imminent danger. Hope that helps.
Sorry about your SIL, hope things will sort out soon.
Steb is a stunner!!! I love watching your kids' pics:)
Take care
Pansy's legs are looking fab! Love the pics of the pony ride. And of course you should show your appreciation and run right over to tell them thanks for moving the car - not!
pansy look great.
i hope your SIL doctor find soon what happend,and can fight it.
the ponny are so cute, and ride is exciting.
Kids and ponies - a match made in heaven. And the legs look great too!
Some people take a while to get the message but looks like the neighbor finally got it.
The children look so happy on their pony ride. Makes one want to smile.
Wish my DD likes to sit on ponies too but she prefers to sit on camels instead.
Lovely and sexy legs! Love the progress on this one.
Fun pictures and wonderful stitching!! :D
Il a l'air comletement ravi ton bonhomme.
J'adore la bombe 3 fois trop large hihihi
That's good that your SIL will see a specialist. Keep us updated.
Seeing those photos makes me so homesick for my horses :o( I miss riding so much. It looks like Steb is enjoying it though!
Ohhhh, sexy legs she has ;o)
ROFL! Yeah, do it!
Great pictures of the kids.
Very good progress on the pansy.
Glad your neighbours girlfriend finally got the message :)
Steb looks so adorable on that pony ride and how lovely that they left Emma lead the pony.
Your Pansy looks lovely. I'm hoping now school holidays have started to get some stitching time for myself in.
Thank you for visiting my blog today and for leaving a comment!
I am sorry about your SIL, I will be sending prayers for her. Hopefully the doctors can find something and make her better.
Your kids are cute!
Love the legs on Pansey. I am just getting started back to stitching after a pretty long break.
I would have rang the doorbell to say thanks! You know be neighborly and all that! LOL!
merci de votre passage sur le blog de l'atelier de broderie de mondeville, venez nousfaire un petit coucou un mardi soir, le prochain rendez vous est le 29 septembre.
Haha on your neighbor! Hopefully they keep the windows down though!...less noise that way. *snort*...
Chiloé toi aussi tu as beaucoup de talents et aussi une bien jolie famille
merci de ta petite visite
bises d'Azalée
Cute photos of the kiddos :) It's great they have a day to try different sports. I wish I had that when I was little!
Too funny about the neighbor's GF. I think she got the hint-hint-HINT. LOL
Hope your SIL is doing well. Did they ever find out what was wrong with her knee?? Sometimes dr's make me CRAZY!!!!
Too funny about your neighbor's gf!!
Great pics of your beautiful children!! They look like they enjoyed that pony!
I would :).
Like your humor!
The Netherlands
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