Today, I feel down (but it actually started yesterday) I injured my bad knee after exercising ... It bothers me that I'm never able to exercise for more than three weeks ... So I guess I'll have to follow Dani's advice and try to loose weight by dieting only which seems soooo damn hard ...
I hope I'll feel better soon because I hate feeling that way ...

I still having fun stitching on Miss Pansy: her umbrella (what is it actually? ) is so nice to stitch. I love the happy fun colors!
I'm already thinking about my next project: I have a Christmas banner from Dimensions and a little Halloween project (Teejay

Madame la fée has a new release: it's nice but I don't think I'll stitch it.

Pansy is so lovely. The market here is this weekend. I can't wait to see some of these releases!
I love it! Sorry that your knees are bothering you. **hugs** Yeah I saw that Madame La Fee & thought of you. LOL I wouldn't stitch that one beside I can't afford any of her charts. The prices are crazy!! ~ Dawn ~
Great progress! You'll be done soon! Sorry you are feeling down though. I hate when my knee reminds me that I injured it.
sorry to hear about your knee ...take care...stay away from exercise ..start your any meal with a big glass of juice, no artificial sugar added...this will less your meal intake
...miss pansy is looks great
so sorry for your knee, i hope you recovery soon.
the Pansy look lovely,i like the color of the flower umbrella.
take care,and have a fun and happy weekend.
wauw, pansy looks good !
sorry to hear about your knee, what kind of excersice did you do ?
I have a good conversionlist for Dimension to DMC ;
I compared it to a conversion I had done myself, wih a small Dimensions kit, and all the numbers where the same, so I really trust this one.
Have you tried seeing a physiotherapist for your knee? That's what I had to do last summer after injuring mine for the umpty-millionth time. She showed me a series of exercises to do to strengthen the injured area and also explained what was causing the recurring injuries. I can't say my one knee is as "good" as the other, but I certainly have enjoyed a year of having it un-injured. Good luck!!
Love your progress on Poppy. she's close to a happy dance.
So sorry you injured your knee again. I agree with Barbara - try a little physio.
Have a nice weekend.
Ohhhh, she's so beautiful! Nice work Chiloe :o)
I'm sorry that you injured your knee :o( Maybe you need to find low impact things that you can do.
I actually love this new one from her! Too cute :o)
How frustrating to injure yourself again so quickly. Sounds like weightloss through diet might be the way to go first.
Oh girl!! Hope your knee is getting better! Since DH hurt his knee, then his back/leg last Thanksgiving...all we do is eat and sit! Of course I blame it on getting fat. (I have a treadmill but keep forgetting (wink, wink) about it!
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