Thanks for your nice comments about my sister in law. Right now, she's in the hospital where they are going to do more testing. In my opinion, they should have admitted her in the begining instead of making her travel two hours each way, knowing that she can't really walk ... One guess is that she could loose some fluids from her brain but again, I don't have details and we don't know if it is really that ... I also thought it could be MS but I don't know if she got tested for that ... Chuy still worries a lot and gets lots of nightmares ... One day in Fort Worth, he got robbed at gun point and since that time, he gets nightmares when something worries him (usually in his dreams, people kill him or try to do so ...

Earlier this week, I got another scare with Pierre: I discoverd some small bruises on his lower legs. Of course, my mind played its little scary movie right away ... I panicked
, thought about what it could be, and what if ... You know the what if his cancer comes back ... In the morning, I decided to wait and see in the evening how were the bruises. I tried to convince my little brain that he eats well and doesn't complain about any legs pain. The bruises had dimished a litlle bit later that day so I decided to wait more. I think teenagers love to push each others and maybe he got bruises that way. Anyway, after five years, my fears are still here, they hide in a little corner of my mind and they are always very happy to surface when I don't expect it ... Hope one day I could stop worrying AND panicking. 

Have you seen the new Lanarte fall collection? You know I'm a big fan, right? I was waiting for their new collection to come out and got very disapointed: no Marjolein Bastin this time ... I am now wondering if they still work with her ... I only like this design that would look great on a hand dye fabric !!!
Wanna see my Pansy? Here she is !!! The skirt takes forever but I'm sure the result is going to be great.

And today, I have a special thought for the 9/11 victims and the people who tried to save them and are now dying from the bad stuffs they breathed that day and the next ones ... 

I'm hoping that they can pinpoint what is going on now that she is hospitalized and under constant monitoring.
Your Pansy is looking lovely!
i hope in the hospital can find what happend, and fight against the disease.
the nightmare are so disgusting and sometime so reallistic.
i hope the bruise be this,only bruises.
lovely stitching.
take care and have a nice weekend.
I was sorry to hear about your SIL Chiloe :o( I do hope they can find out what's going on and soon.
I'll have to check out their new line because you know I love Lanarte too :o)
Pansy is looking beautiful!
okay...deep breath...ready?
I'm sorry about your SIL..I hope things get better real soon and prayers for her...
I don't blame you for being scared with that ugly "C" will always be there in the forefront of your mind but VERY undertandable...
Oh yeah...I fell in love with those Stargazer lillies! Beautiful..and your Pansy is looking totally AWESOME!...and what the heck are you doing showing me that TKD cross stitch??? One word: I have to have that NOW but I can't figure out how much in U.S. dollars it would cost me! ...ok maybe that's more than one word...
comment ça 18 mois pour tes fushias ? allez tu le termines ^^
tu es taguée sur mon blog !
Sounds liek you are having a really hard time of things of late. Try not to worry as worry never achieves anything except robbing you of your peace. Your stitching is beautiful. Sending big hugs your way. xx
So sorry to hear about your sister in law. I hope she gets some help and direction soon, what a tough situation.
I have a lot of nightmares too when under stress, and I never tied it back to a stressful event in my life but perhaps that is why.
You asked me about my niece Windy, and I will have to tell her you asked. She is doing fine, just not blogging these days. Her children are doing well too, thanks for asking. I'll try and get her to blog again!
Take care. I've been busy and have missed your blog, and so many others.
I'm sorry that Chuy is having such a hard time, though it's certainly understandable. My thoughts are with you.
Sorry to hear about your sis in law. Hope they find something to help her.
I know what you mean. Worried about bumps/bruises on kids. The other night, Sarah hit back of her head on furniture & I was worried all night & drove myself crazy if I should take her to ER.
I love the pansy colors. Can't wait to see more of it. ~ Dawn ~
Hope they can diagnose soon. Your pansy is looking great and I do think that hand-dyed fabric for the birds would be beautiful! Once you've experienced what you have with Pierre, it's difficult to Not think about it when something crops up. Hang in there and hope it all just fades away.
Yes, it's a sad day here for the nation, but especially the victims and families.
Hope your sister in law is feeling wel, and hope they find a diagnose soon.
Pansy is progressing very well.
You are being fan of a lot of designers, I only hear your see that you are a fan, I think you like
I hope that the hospital can find out what is troubling your SIL and that she feels better soon.
Your Pansy is looking great.
So sorry to hear about your SIL.
I do hope your sister in law will finally find out what is wrong with her, so they can do something about it.
anoing, isn't it, when it all takes so long.
do you only use complete kits, or work with charts, and then pick your own fabric ?
'course I have a few Marjolein Bastin charts.
Prayers for your sister in law and for Chuy. I hope the doctors find an answer and ease the uncertainty.
Glad to hear the bruises on Pierres leg are clearing up. That would have been so scary. I hope the fear eases with time.
There is a saying 'being a mum is like having a piece of your heart walk outside your body'... so true.
Glad to hear that your SIL has finally been admitted to the hospital... sounds like that`s where she should be.
No wonder you are extra observant and worried when it comes to Pierre`s health. I think that is completely understandable!
Hope your SIL starts to feel better, and recovers quickly! Your pansy is looking great.
Your family, particularly your SIL & son are in my prayers. School will get easier as the term progresses. The stitching is, as ever, looking marvelous!
Hopefully both you and Chuy are feeling a bit better in knowing things aren't "as bad" as our minds make them out to be. What a rough time you've had lately.
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