I was able to stitch last night !!! It fell soooooooooooooo good ! I didn't advance too much because I stitched backwards again: I had to frog twice the same part
I thought about you and decided to stitch his bag. Yes, why should he kill his back if he can't bring the gold back to YOU !
(it's clickable: you'll see the guy look tired
just for your beautiful face

One of my favorite designer is Veronique Enginger: most of her designs are published in the french mag De fil en Aiguille. But there is a good news: she got a book released !!! It's called: Souvenir d'enfance au point de croix.(the link is from the french amazon in case you want to order it
). You can see some images in this BLOG. I just love her realistic designs with a nostalgic touch.

The kids are on fall break for one week and a half !!! At last

See, I put an ads on my building entrance door to let everybody know my appartment will be available for rent in december. Well, a moron, jerk,

I forgot to mention I added two widgets to my blog: you can officially follow my blog as this widget is now available here and the list of blogs I like that I imported from my google reader.

Hi chiloe,
your work is looking better day after day!
I do ADORE your blog, and I hope you can answer my e-mail... that will make me very happy!
Don´t forget: keep stitching and blogging!
wonder why the guy keeps taking down your sign..strange.
Your gold miner looks great..awesome stitching
thanks for the heads up about the clickable pictures..I never knew if I centered it no one could click onit.
Sorry to hear the frogs visited you too! They seem to be visiting lots of people lately :D I am the same with the kids toys, sneak some out when they aren't looking, they don't play with them anyway lol
hi chiloe how is the packing going? hope everything is well
shel xx
te esta quedando genial! ojala ya no visiten más las ranas :)
He looks fantastic. You are making great progress on the stitching.
I do hope your signs find someone to rent the apartment.
WHOA! He's looking good :o) Sorry about Mr. Frog :o( Don't send him this way. LOL!
Our time changes this coming weekend and I can't wait. An extra hour to sleep :o)
Well that's mean >:o( I hope you can get someone to take over your apartment.
Ugh.. sorry about the frogs. Those designs are adorable!
Good luck keeping your sign up, for your apartment! Maybe someone just likes you so much, they don't want you to move!!
Hope you can do some more forward stitching soon. ;)
Good luck with the move, I hope you have a 'special box' for your stitching! :-)
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