Monday, June 11, 2007

sooooooooo green

See: I'm almost over with the book!!! I was able to stitch a little bit yesterday afternoon while the kids were playing outside. (after working most of my afternoon actually! )
Tomorrow, my students have their play. We're going to rehearse in the afternoon and then they'll play at 8.00 pm in front of their parents. It is in a real theater so it can be very impressive. We'll see how it goes. I'll come home late , that's for sure ...


Carla said...

uy cuanto verde..pobre jiji...espero prontos puedas comenzar con algún otro color :)
Suerte en la presentación de tus alumnos

Anonymous said...

ben alors chiloe, ouske t'es ? on te voit plus sur le forum :)

tu avances bien dis donc !