This bird is almost done. I just need to stitch the second wing. I'm going up to the roof of the birdhouse. I think I'll be done by sunday. Then I'll decide what I want to stitch next. I may stitch the 4 eggs under the birdhouse. I don't want to stitch Marjolein Bastin's name so I may stitch the eggs lower than on the original chart. I didn't do it with the four seasons and I regreted it at the end. If someone stitched it , please let me know so I can check your gallery. Thanks !!!
I'm just stopping by to say thanks for the comment.
I read through your blog a little and saw some nice links to patterns. Thank you.
I'm glad that you left a comment on my blog! I did not know about your blog, but just read some of your past posts, and I'll be sure to add you to my bloglines. What part of France do you live in? Je parle Francais, un peu mais tres mal. J'etudie a l'ecole pour trois ans, et un peu a l'universite (geeze, I hope that was right!).
My husband is Filippino, and I agree with you that mixed kids are often the cutest! Rob (my hubby) was born in America, but his parents were born in the Philippines.
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