Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow day 1 and 2

We got two days of snow. I think the last time we had snow was two years ago so the kids were pretty excited about it. The first day, on firday, we only got a little bit of snow but it quickly froze so it was dangerous to drive on those icy roads full of inexperienced drivers who think they do know how to drive on ice ...

That was the last day of school before the winter break. Emma was the first one to go outside to enjoy the snow !!! And her mom was happy she had the winter jacket from Sears that she didn't really like at first ... It turned out the jacket was great to play outside !!! Emma was even able to use her new Hello Kitty boots that we specially bought for her to visit a garden with her school ( but she got sick and couldn't go to visit the garden which made her cry ... ).

The second day of snow, we got got more snow so it was the right time to make a snowman !!! Dad helped !

But snow can be heavy, right Emma?

More efforts and tadaaa !

Pierre made his own:

A mexican snowman? Something seems weird but what? Maybe the word mexican is a weird match with snowman !!!

But what the kids really enjoyed is: snow fight !!!!!!!

Look at my cutie ready to shoot !

If someone knows how to make the snow whiter with Photshop on Emma's picture, could you help me? I love that picture and would like to enlarge it.

Today, we decided it was the day to have a picture taken with Santa !!! I was very surprised Steb was very happy to see Santa and have his picture taken (you know how he can be camera shy ... ) I really like the picture and I really like Santa real beard: the three of them look great, don't you think so?

Do I still stitch? Yes, BUT there is a little change: I do like my Lanarte but it's not as excting as some other Lanarte sooooooooo right before Christmas, I decided to be a naughty girl and start something completely different: I fell in love with this little kit that I just bought from my friend Blue. Who could resist to this little guy? Isn't it the cutest Christmas cat you've ever seen? I'm sure you don't blame me !!!

And this is the first pic. I am stitching it on an opalescent solo by Silkweaver !!!

And let's finish with some winter humor :


Wendy said...

we finally have some real snow here aswell !!
looks like your kids had a great time in the snow !
can't help you out on the photo, sorry.
but I love the Christmas cat !

Annette said...

Wow what a lovely photo's of the snow with the children.. I love the photo's.
And I really love your new start, because I love the patterns of MS.
And the fabric, love it.....

Lesleyanne said...

Lovely photos of the children. Also like your new start.

Daffycat said...

Wonderful to have snow before Christmas!

I adore your new start! I love Margaret Sherry kitties and her charts are fun (though confusing, sometimes) to stitch! Have fun with the backstitch on this one ~ it's my favorite part to stitch. The backstitching really makes her characters come to life.

Gee, now I want to stitch a Margaret Sherry...

Annie Bee said...

What lovely pics of your kids in the snow. I love the cartoon too.

Blu said...

Looks like the kids had a lot of fun in the snow!
That Margaret Sherry cat is adorable! Have fun with it.

Anonymous said...

Now I need to go stitch my Margaret Sherry birds.

My husband, the Photoshop expert, showed me about a dozen ways to correct the blue cast in the snow. Starting with the simplest method.

Use the magic wand in the upper left hand corner to select most of the snow. You will probably have to use it a couple of times with "Add to Selection" to get all of the snow. You have just created a Layer Mask. Now go to Levels and move the right most triangle to the left until most of the blue is gone. You won't be able to get rid of all of it, but most of the blue left will be at the top of picture and doesn't look too bad. The interface between the snow and Emma will look somewhat jagged. If you know how to use the Feather command in Magic Wand you can make the layer selected less jaggy. Do this BEFORE you use Levels.

You can also just give her a WHITE background by using the Magic Brush to select the background, then use the paintbrush to paint all the background white. The Mask will prevent you from painting over Emma herself.

A more complex method is to go to Layers, check the BLUE channel. That also creates a Layer Mask. Then go to Levels and again move the right most triangle to left. You can play around with the extent of the Mask with Add to Selection or Brushes.

Hope this helps.

Nancy M said...

All your photos with your kids are fun!!! I like it so much better when the Santa's have real beards! My picture I had taken when I was small you can see the part glued on!! How awful! Cute small stitch too! Good cartoon.

Beatrice said...

Awwww the kids look like they are having Fun!! I too love the snow,
That Santa is terrific!
I like the little humor in your cartoon......

Jo said...

Email me the picture (not resized) doll and I'll sort it out for you.

Jo x

Cathy said...

I love the Mexican snowman! And Emma's coat/boot combo is adorable. The cartoon at the end almost made me spit out my cereal, thanks for the chuckle!

Mary Ann said...

It sure looks like a lot of fun was had by all on your snow days! And, I love your new start!!

Carmen said...

lovely photos! here we are isolate,,the snow is deep...i hope the snow truck clean the highway so we can go to work ans the last day of school...

Sally said...

Fantastic pictures Chiloe! We have some snow here too and it looks so pretty.

Your new start is so cute!

Pumpkin said...

Oh wow! You got a nice amount of snow :o) We got some yesterday and it's the first snow that has stayed. The kids look like they're having a ball. I love the picture of Emma and Steb with Santa.

The kitty is cute so I can't blame you :o)

Great cartoon! LOL!

Sharon said...

The kids looks so cute playing in the snow! That cartoon is hilarious!

Mylene said...

Great pictures!
Happy holidays!!!

Meari said...

Loved the pics of the kids out in the snow :) They looked like they were having so much fun! The Santa pic is adorable. How come only 2 kiddos?

Your newest stitchy project is going to look really good on that opalescent fabric.

LOL @ the cartoon. I think I used the same one on my blog a few years back. Or, I've seen it somewhere before. Hmm. Still funny, tho!

Laural said...

It looks like they had a ton of fun! It just started snowing here this week as well. I don't blame you for the new start. I love MS designs and that one is adorable.

Lennu said...

Lovely snow photos! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Chiloe looks like your kids really enjoyed what sonw you had! We have it here for months so the kids don't really enjoy it for that long you get tired of putting on all the clothes, boots, mits, etc. you need to go out very quickly!

What an adorable new start.

I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Les enfants ont bien profité de la neige, les parents se sont peut etre moins amusés ;-)
Le petit chat de noel est bien mignon, j'espère que vosu avez passé de bons moments en famille.

tkdquintmom said...

Hahaha! That last picture was my Christmas card a few years ago! LOLOL...seriously!

Anonymous said...

ROFL @ the cartoon.

I love the photos, the children look like they are having so much fun.

Hope one day we get to experience a white Christmas. Even if it does involve traveling overseas and away from family to do it :)

No idea on how to change the snow colour but I can suggest saving a copy of the picture before you start playing about in photoshop - I just lost a picture from attempting some changes without having saved a copy first :(