I really have a happy mail week ! ( and I really enjoy it !)
Missy had contacted me to let me know she still had some leftover threads and she had decided to offer them to me for my birthday and she even added the Just Cross Stitch ornament issue. Of course, I was very excited to open the envelope and was very happy to see the goodies inside !!! Thank you very much Missy !!! I really love it and am so happy to have the magazine !!!
Another yellow envelope made its way to my house. Sharon sent me this nicely wrapped goody:
My missing thread for my Pansy! (I think that means I have to finish her now, right? ... ) Thank you very much Sharon !!! (you still need to answer my mail for the last details )
I also got this half kit (fabric is missing) from England. The seller wanted to overcharge me (again ... ) but I manage to have her reduce the postage ! I understand some sellers are very unhappy with the price od the sale on ebay but I think it's not fair to be overcharge ! It's a real beautiful design: Emma loves it !!!
Today, we went downtown to have my stitches remove ( it went smoothly , no face sprayed today !!! I think I may have a little scar but I can't really see myself the side of my face. )
We took advantage of being downtown to do a little shopping and look what I found, all because of Petra !!!
Look at this bag:
Which Santa do you prefer? Of course, we like the Texan one !!!
I managed to add two designs to my stitching last night: two feathers. I still have one feather lesft and a flower then finished one part of the blue frame. ( and check the back stitches I did not stitch yet. )
And remember during this holiday season, stay zen !!!

What lovely packages you received. I picked up my JSC Orn issue yesterday and have bee drolling. Love how your bird houses are coming along.
I didn't even realize that those were Santas! The Texan is definitely the best,
Your birdhouses are looking beautiful. So we'll see a happy dance by Christmas, right? *wink*
Looks like Santa has been there and dropped some lovely goodies.
Love your Lanarte WIP. I missed stitching Lanarte chart. Wish I have more time, hehehe.
Mr. Zen is so cute!!!
Whoops! I forgot you asked a question...I emailed you :p
The birdhouses are lovely. You are breezing right through this.
Love the birdies...omg he looks like a little Budda sitting there...how stinking cute...
What wonderful packages you received!! And your stitching is looking fantastic!
What a great package you got, great....
Emma and your CUTE zen are so lovely,
So the Lanarte is almost finished, nice job, its looks so beautifull.
ROFL! I LOVE the picture of Steb :o) He's just too cute.
WOW! Look at the great mail you've gotten :o) No wonder you are so happy with it all. LOL!
Lucky you, what lovely gifts!!! Congrats!!!
lovely stitching, i love the birdhouses... i am trid to stay Zen,,but is hard...
hahaha... your little guy looks so cute, perched up there. Thanks for your supportive words on my blog. I've heard lots of success stories. How many frogs did you kiss to find the prince? LOL.
Wow Chiloe it looks like you're almost done your birdhouses!!!!
Oh my gosh, that's such an adorable picture of your youngest! LOL!! Stay zen, indeed - good advice. As for the Santas, that Texan one is welcome to stop by for milk and cookies any time. ;)
What wonderful packages to have received. Steb is right we do need to stay Zen during this crazy time of year. :-)
Wow! You sure did get a nice package :)
Love your stitching too. I love to stitch Lanarte as well. But there are so many wonderful things, aren't there ?
You got some great stitchy mail! Lucky girl. Love the Zen pic. Too cute!
Your stitching looks lovely!!
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