Natalija gave me an award on her blog. I'm brillante !!! (does it mean I need to shine my shoes?
) I'm supposed to pass it on 5 people. I know a lot of you already got that one (but I don't remember who ???
) So I'm going to give to Akila, a stitcher from India who has started a blog not a long time ago (check it out if you want to discover her stitching and her traditions.) Marie deserves it as well as she's a great stitcher (and a Lanarte lover like me.), Andie, ~Tammy, Karen .

Beatrice was sweet to also give me an award. Thank you very much Beatrice, I really appreciate it. I need to pass it to 5 people too. It's hard to choose as you all have been so supporting of me but I count on you for passing these awards to your friends as it feels so goog to be appreciate
. So it is going to go to Marita who's been supporting me for a while. Yvonne, Jean, Pumpkin, and Tammy (who, for a long time, I thought she was ~Tammy
). Please, spread the FUN !!!!!!!!!

Now Santa is ready to write his list (better be good, ladies !!!

Talking about Santa's: I really laughed at Karen's comment: "Aww cute Santa. I think you get Santa withdrawal if you don't stitch one version or another of him every couple of months

LOL :o) Thanks for the award too :o)
They've gotta stick with those complimentary colors! I feel for you though. I get sick of all the green on the projects I like.
Je suis toujours aussi admirative de la quantité que tu arrives à broder en si peu de temps.
Tes awards sont largement mérités.
Santa is coming along really well... shame his book is green as you are not keen on stitching that colour!!
Santa's coming along nicely! Congrats on the awards!
Congrats on your awards Chiloe and thank you for passing one on to me :)
Santa is looking great! LOL! I can't get over your aversion to green ;)
a green book?,oh the green curse is back!.
congratulations for the awards.
Congratulations on your awards! That Santa is so cute. You are making great progress on him.
Hooray for Santas all year-round!! :D
Thank you so much. :)
Congrats on winning the award, you brillante girl! :D
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