Monday, November 24, 2008

We got ..........

the keys !!!!!!!!! Yep, the house is all ours and we can now start to move !!! It's still hard to believe that soon we'll live in a house ...

I'm happy to report Katha got her mag! Thanks for letting me know Katha.

A quick update on my fuchsia: still a lot of fun on this Lanarte!!! And it's time to go back to stitching actually (short post but I was very busy today ... sorry).


Tammy said...

This piece is just gorgeous.

Congratulations on getting the keys. Now the fun begins.

vero21 said...

Have a good day!

I want to Kiss your boy.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I hope that you and your family enjoy your new home. Pictures?

Ranae said...

I hope you have a nice smooth move.
The Lanarte is coming along beautiful.
Check out my blog update, you won!!!!!!!!!

Desi said...

I love the subtle shading. You must be using really good light. Well done, Chiloe.

Marie said...

les "navettes" appart/maison vont pouvoir commencer... tes journées vont être bien remplies...

Carmen said...

congratulations for the keys!.
the lanarte look great, i like the lanarte flowers.

Michele said...

Congratulations on your new home!

Your fuchias look great!

Srinity said...

Great that you can start moving! I wish you a very easy move and lots of happy days at the new home.

Lanarte looks stunning.

Anonymous said...

:: happy dance ::

So glad you have the keys.

Moving is much easier once you actually start moving things to the new house.

Tammy said...

Very pretty Lanarte!

tkdquintmom said...

Yeah! You got keys! Yeah!

Felicity said...

My thoughts will be with you during the move. Having a topsy turvy house myself, I know what chaos you will be experiencing over the next few weeks. (((hugs)))

I love the colours in your work here.

Pumpkin said...

Congrats!!!! I'm SO excited for you :o) Maybe you should email me your new address so I can send you a Christmas card to 'your' house...'ve introduced a new color. Very nice :o)

Anonymous said...

Jour J-2 pour ton déménagement. Je pense bien à toi. Et attention aux bleus ;o)
A très très bientôt.

debijeanm said...

Congratulations on your house! Looking forward to the moving in and settling stories.

Your fuchsia is gorgeous. Makes me want to pull those hollyhocks out and work in pink again.

It's Thanksgiving in the states. You're on my list!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congrats on getting your house! That's so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Superbe avancée!
Les coloris sont vraiment jolis