Something very funny just happened to me. Every year at christmas time,
the firemen go house to house to raise money for their charities and it's always the same guy who come. This time, the guy asked : " Are you new? I haven't seen you before". I told him " I know, you tell me that evey year!"
It's been four years that it asks me that !!!

I didn't stitch last night
I was tired from packing and I called a friend who didn't feel well. She told me this evening she felt better I called because she didn't feel so lonely. She's afraid the father of her daughter will try to get custody even though he's someone who left her when her daughter was a baby ...

I didn't stitch last night

Moving: I feel I'm drowing in a sea of carton boxes and I have the feeling I'm not going fast enough. I can't believe that next week, we'll have the keys and could start bringing boxes. I called the landlord last night and he agreed on giving me the keys on wednesday. Today, we went to buy the stove because in the appartment, it was included. We still need to buy the dishwasher (remember I intend to become a free woman?

Family: Teachers are on strike on thursday so I'll keep the kids with me. Pierre has only one class in the afternoon so he won't go and I don't expect lots of students to be there because it's only a class to teach them how to organize themselves in their daily work.
Christmas shopping

Edit: Katha, you have until saturday to contact me otherwise I'll draw another name on sunday. With the moving coming up very quickly I want to be able to ship the magazine as soon as possible. Thanks !!!

Sounds like you've had a lot going on. I'm glad your mother found the Barbie & horse that Emma wants. Yay!
I would croak if the teachers went on strike here! It's my saving grace most days for my sanity. LOL
Woo hoo!!!! Yay for your mom and her successful toy-shopping trip!!! I always feel bad when certain toys are hard to find, children should not be disappointed.
Good luck with your move and getting things all together. You've got so much going on {{{hugs}}}.
I'm glad your mother found the Barbie & horse that Emma ,wants,Good luck with your move .
Gosh you are busy. Congratulations to your Mum for finding the Barbie and pony toy for Emma.
I always think I have not gotten my girls anything for Christmas then on the day realise they have gotten far too much.
Best Christmas present for all of us this year will be getting to spend the day with my parents. :)
You busy woman!
Mom to the rescue! That's great :o)
The fireman story made me giggle.
I really hope you become a "free woman"... I feel I'm chained to the sink most of the time.
As you know I can empathize with all the moving and packing and it really is no fun :o( You sound like you are working really hard.
That's wonderful about Emma's present!!!! She will be a very happy girl :o)
I'm sorry to hear about your friends. Sometimes I question the fairness in this world.
Moving is a pain but you will be so happy once moved in. And yeah the Christmas present thing is crazy for kids but if you wait you miss out. It's hard to be in the x-mas spirit here when it is 89 degrees today!!!!!!!!
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